David French

CP Guest Contributor


  • What the Vile Treatment of Bristol Palin Teaches Us

    What the Vile Treatment of Bristol Palin Teaches Us

    Let me begin by plainly stating my biases. I like and admire the Palins. My wife has worked with Bristol for years, she collaborated with Sarah on her most recent book, and I have successfully represented Bristol in free-speech litigation. We Frenches share the Palins' political, cultural, and religious values, and we're proud to call them friends.

  • The Absurd Reason Why an Idaho City Claims Pastors Must Perform Same-Sex Marriage Ceremonies

    The Absurd Reason Why an Idaho City Claims Pastors Must Perform Same-Sex Marriage Ceremonies

    What is this absurd reason? They're running a business. If pastors are operating a "for-profit" wedding chapel, then they must officiate at gay weddings regardless of their religious objections.

  • Top U.S. Aid Recipient Is Set to Hang a Christian Woman for Blasphemy

    Top U.S. Aid Recipient Is Set to Hang a Christian Woman for Blasphemy

    Last week, a Pakistani court of appeals upheld Asia Bibi's death sentence for blasphemy. She's a Christian and a mother of five. Death. For allegedly saying bad things about Mohammed. Barbaric.

  • City of Houston Attacks Pastors, Demands to See Emails, Text Messages

    City of Houston Attacks Pastors, Demands to See Emails, Text Messages

    The story sounds like something you'd read on a crazed e-mail forward — the city of Houston demands to see the contents of pastors' sermons on the topic of homosexuality, gender identity, and . . . restroom access. In fact, when I first heard the story from a parent at my kids' school, I didn't believe it.

  • Left Wing Anti Semitism Has Consequences

    Left Wing Anti Semitism Has Consequences

    It is, at this point, beyond obvious that quarters of the hard-left academic world are overrun with anti-Semitism disguised as anger at alleged Israeli mistreatment of the terrorist-governed citizens of Gaza.

  • Is President Obama Serious About the Air War Against ISIS?

    Is President Obama Serious About the Air War Against ISIS?

    It's becoming increasingly clear that President Obama has no intention to actually "destroy" the Islamic State. Even his much-vaunted air war represents a mere shadow of American military capabilities.

  • Campuses Keep Coming Up With More Reasons to Censor Christians

    Campuses Keep Coming Up With More Reasons to Censor Christians

    The brazen intellectual bankruptcy of campus censorship never fails to impress. Yesterday, the Chronicle of Higher Education was the latest prestige publication to cover the California State University system's mass-scale de-recognition of so-called "exclusionary" Christian groups.

  • The New York Times Publishes an Ignorant, Condescending Anti-Christian Op-Ed

    The New York Times Publishes an Ignorant, Condescending Anti-Christian Op-Ed

    Academic leftists are so used to talking to themselves (and their under-educated students), that they long ago passed the point of even realizing their own ignorance. They delight in their own arguments and their ability to make students "shift uncomfortably in their seats," yet succeed only in singing to their own condescending choir, with the music published in their house hymnal, the New York Times.

  • 9th Circuit Appeals Courts Guts Student Free Speech, Upholds 'Heckler's Veto' of the American Flag

    9th Circuit Appeals Courts Guts Student Free Speech, Upholds 'Heckler's Veto' of the American Flag

    On Wednesday morning the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declined a request for an en banc hearing in a case holding that school officials could censor students who peacefully wore American flag clothing because those students were violently threatened by anti-American classmates. In other words, the court upheld a classic "heckler's veto," and in so doing empowered violent bullies and undermined decades of free-speech jurisprudence.

  • Did Obama Learn Anything From Libya That He Can Use In Syria? The Easy Answer is 'No'

    Did Obama Learn Anything From Libya That He Can Use In Syria? The Easy Answer is 'No'

    So, now, here we are again aiding rebel groups like the "Army of the Mujahideen" in a fight against other mujahideen while the Islamic State gathers its strength and mocks us with beheading after beheading.