Dr. Richard D. Land

CP Exclusive


  • Reformation at 500: Have We Forgotten Its Lessons?

    Reformation at 500: Have We Forgotten Its Lessons?

    As we celebrate and commemorate the 500th anniversary of the spiritual shot around the world, faithful Protestant Christians have cause to be greatly concerned.

  • Hugh Hefner: Pied Piper of the Sexual Revolution

    Hugh Hefner: Pied Piper of the Sexual Revolution

    Hugh Hefner was a baneful influence in American life across the last six decades. Hefner's telltale, cloven-hooved footprints are deeply imprinted on much of the misshapen, broken American social and sexual landscape that is littered with the manifold casualties and victims of the sexual revolution he did far too much to popularize and promote.

  • Trump Assassination Talk Is Legal but Goes Too Far

    Trump Assassination Talk Is Legal but Goes Too Far

    I have, and will always, ascribe to the sentiment, "I disagree with everything you say, and I will defend to the death your right to say it!" However, no right is absolute. When people are openly, shamelessly, calling for the assassination of the president, I believe we have reached a tipping point.

  • Israel, the Holy Land and the Six-Day War: 50 Years Later

    Israel, the Holy Land and the Six-Day War: 50 Years Later

    The incredible speed with which the entire Middle East changed in one week 50 years ago is beautifully summarized by the cover story in The Economist: "IN THE BEGINNING they destroyed Egypt's air force on the ground and knocked the planes of Jordan, Iraq and Syria.

  • Gorsuch Filibuster: Symptom or Cause of Our Divided Nation?

    Gorsuch Filibuster: Symptom or Cause of Our Divided Nation?

    Judge Gorsuch is an eminently qualified nominee, and the fact that the nuclear option had to be invoked is a symptom of deep societal fissures opening up in our culture, and it will add kindling to the bonfire that is smoldering on the horizon.

  • Thanksgiving: What Does This National Holiday Mean for Americans Today?

    Thanksgiving: What Does This National Holiday Mean for Americans Today?

    This is the week that Americans from coast to coast cease their workaday activities and gather with friends and loved ones for Thanksgiving. It is a time-honored ritual, observed by the overwhelming majority of the American population. What are the origins of this celebration, and what meaning should it have for Americans today?

  • Why So Many Calvinists in the 'Never Trump Movement'?

    Why So Many Calvinists in the 'Never Trump Movement'?

    A few weeks ago a Roman Catholic colleague who is a conservative political scientist and economist asked me a thoughtful and unexpected question. "Richard," he said, "Why is it that such a high percentage of the Evangelical 'Never Trumpers' are Calvinists?"

  • Hillary Clinton Is a Dangerous Choice for Voters Against Abortion (A Response to Eric Sapp)

    Hillary Clinton Is a Dangerous Choice for Voters Against Abortion (A Response to Eric Sapp)

    In an accompanying column Eric Sapp made the rather startling assertion that "If You Care about the Unborn, You Need to Vote for Hillary."

  • Hillary Clinton Is the Richard Nixon of Our Time

    Hillary Clinton Is the Richard Nixon of Our Time

    Let me start with a confession. I was a Nixon "loyalist," from the "Kitchen Debate" with Khrushchev in the 1950's up to a couple of days before he resigned in 1974.

  • What Andy Stanley Gets Wrong About the Bible, Resurrection and Salvation

    What Andy Stanley Gets Wrong About the Bible, Resurrection and Salvation

    A theological-doctrinal controversy has erupted among prominent evangelical leaders concerning whether Christians, in seeking to reach millennials in a post-Christian world, should focus paramount attention on the bodily resurrection of Jesus on the first Easter Sunday, or alternatively, should emphasize the complete accuracy and veracity of Holy Scripture.