Fay Voshell

Voices Contributor


  • Bud Light theology: New order of ever-evolving humanity

    Bud Light theology: New order of ever-evolving humanity

    He is representative of a great societal reset in which there is neither male nor female.  A self-generated and self-salvific personage of neither sex has transcended the natural order and become godlike.

  • Queer theology may sink the Church of England, British Monarchy and the Commonwealth

    Queer theology may sink the Church of England, British Monarchy and the Commonwealth

    There is hope. There is resistance to queer ideology among core Commonwealth nations.

  • Crypto currencies are inherently fraudulent

    Crypto currencies are inherently fraudulent

    Money should once again be attached to material realities such as scarce but producible and tangible materials like gold or silver. Both fiat and crypto currencies must be rejected as spurious.

  • Trans pronouns: Christian hospitality does not affirm insanity

    Trans pronouns: Christian hospitality does not affirm insanity

    Hospitality is a Christian virtue. However, there are a number of evangelical and reformed spokesmen and women who are urging Christians to be hospitable in a peculiar way toward people who are calling themselves “transgender.”

  • Send in the drag queens: The triumph of politicized occultism

    Send in the drag queens: The triumph of politicized occultism

    The naive parents who are taking their children to the shrines of Baphomet and to the public library might want to know a bit more about the history of the idol.

  • Queer theory reaches the Supreme Court

    Queer theory reaches the Supreme Court

    The justices appointed to our country’s most august court have been puzzling over the meaning of the word “sex” as written in the Constitution.

  • Meet Desmond, precocious child drag queen

    Meet Desmond, precocious child drag queen

    Desmond Napoles, who is known as “Desmond is Amazing,” is a child drag queen who is described as having precociously discerned his future career as drag queen and LGBTQ+ activist as early as age two.

  • Jussie Smollett and the Theater of the Oppressed

    Jussie Smollett and the Theater of the Oppressed

    In the theater of the oppressed, it’s always OK to act “as if.” In short, creating your own “truth” is always OK as long as the “as if” feels authentic or serves larger goals. 

  • A new kind of freak show is upon us

    A new kind of freak show is upon us

    America doesn’t have traveling freak shows anymore, partly due to the rise of rights movements who lobby on behalf of people with mental and physical disabilities. A new kind of freak show is upon us, in which parents and the medical profession cooperate in actively promoting the deformation of once perfectly normal children and youth.

  • Eliminating women from the human race

    Eliminating women from the human race

    In place of the idea that was basic for the foundation of the college is the idea that there is no such real thing as a woman.  Instead, the college has committed itself to erasing even the very idea of “woman.”