Gabrielle Devenish

Christian Post Reporter


  • Occasional Profanity May Relieve Pain?

    Holding a burning plate of turkey and don’t want to drop it? Let the obscenities fly and you might be able to take more time to make it to the counter, feast intact. Just don’t make it a habit.

  • Kitchen Dangers Lurk on Thanksgiving

    You may not have to worry about the canned pumpkin, yams or cranberry sauce, but the turkey could become a potent weapon if you’re not careful, food safety experts say.

  • Author Talks 'The Grace Effect,' Reversing 'Corruption of Unbelief'

    Author Talks 'The Grace Effect,' Reversing 'Corruption of Unbelief'

    If a country is completely lacking God, the people are less likely to treat others with grace, author Larry Taunton says. He discovered that when he and his wife adopted a Ukranian child, Sasha.

  • Angels: Heavenly Hosts or Trendy Trinkets?

    Angels: Heavenly Hosts or Trendy Trinkets?

    “Every time a bell rings, an angels gets its wings,” is the famous line from “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Around the holidays, references to angels are brought up as often as every time a bell rings. But how close is your tree topper to the biblical truth?

  • Cults in Culture: Scientology – A Fictional Route to Happiness (Part 4)

    Cults in Culture: Scientology – A Fictional Route to Happiness (Part 4)

    “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion,” L. Ron Hubbard famously told a group of science fiction writers meeting in Newark, N.J., in 1949.

  • Interview: John Eldredge on Jesus as the Beautiful Outlaw

    Interview: John Eldredge on Jesus as the Beautiful Outlaw

    He hangs out with riffraff, old tars and dirty fisherman, and dines with sinners and prostitutes. He likes to play pranks and shows up in unexpected places, and can often be seen fishing with the guys. He laughs in the face of authority and sweats blood. This is the Jesus that John Eldredge portrays in his new book, Beautiful Outlaw.

  • Now Seen on the Runway: Milk Dresses

    Got milk? The liquid that splashes into millions of cereal bowls every morning is now making a splash on runways.

  • Tebow 'Jesus' Jerseys: Good Faith Promotion or Blasphemous?

    Tebow 'Jesus' Jerseys: Good Faith Promotion or Blasphemous?

    What would Tebow do? A new Tebow replica jersey is the latest fan item, but others are calling the controversial jersey, with the name “Jesus” on the back in place of “Tebow,” blasphemous.

  • Cults in Culture: Jehovah's Witnesses and End Times (Part 3)

    Would you believe in a faith that had incorrectly predicted the end times? Despite false prophecies predicting Armageddon, followers of the Jehovah’s Witness organization, do.

  • Survey: Charities to See Bright Side of Recession This Christmas?

    Survey: Charities to See Bright Side of Recession This Christmas?

    As the U.S. economy struggles to recover from the recession, Christmas budgets are growing smaller and retailers are feeling the hit. But a new World Vision study shows tighter wallets are leading to more charitable giving.