Harry R. Jackson, Jr.

Harry R. Jackson, Jr.

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • Civil Rights Act: Fact or Legend

    Civil Rights Act: Fact or Legend

    Throughout my life, I have been impacted by the work of Martin Luther King and others as they worked to bring equality to people of my race. It is interesting, however, the way in which people interpret the events that have brought us to this point. Most importantly, as the nation marks the fiftieth anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, there is much about this historic piece of legislation that has been forgotten or deliberately misrepresented.

  • 'Artistic Expression' Crosses the Line

    'Artistic Expression' Crosses the Line

    My generation had its distinctive music just as every other. While my classmates may have listened to Marvin Gaye and the Aretha Franklin, my daughters selected music that spoke to their generation. Creative expression is great, but certain artists within each generation have stepped over the line of propriety. This is true for today's genre of music.

  • ACA Does Not Help the Nation's Poor!

    ACA Does Not Help the Nation's Poor!

    My mother passed away just before Easter of this year. During her last five months, she made six trips to the emergency room. Her journey from failing health to death gave our family an opportunity to observe, first hand, the positives and negatives of our transitioning healthcare system. Essie Jackson was a frugal senior citizen who suffered from a rare form of blood cancer and expired from complications of that health challenge.

  • Obamacare: Latinos Aren't Buying It

    Obamacare: Latinos Aren't Buying It

    In particular, few Latinos signed up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Many analysts are asking why this group did not participate in the open enrollment.

  • Elder Care is a Family Affair

    Elder Care is a Family Affair

    Recently, I have experienced first hand the issues of Elder Care as my mother's health began to decline. I have been subjected to the maze of red tape with Medicare and Medicaid, and the difficulties caregivers endure to provide adequate care with the associated financial strain.

  • Minimum Wage: All Jacked Up

    Minimum Wage: All Jacked Up

    I grew up in a family who had to stretch their money the best way they could. So I understand those in our nation who labor hard to pay their monthly bills. As our economy continues to struggle, the President and his congressional allies are proposing another hike in the federal minimum wage.

  • The Myth of Heath Care Cost Transparency

    The Myth of Heath Care Cost Transparency

    Once we learn we need a procedure or a test, we often have very little idea what we will actually end up paying for it. This is true whether it is a diagnostic or preventative procedure like a colonoscopy or an MRI or a treatment, like chemotherapy or surgery.

  • The Grammy's 'Same Love' Performance

    The Grammy's 'Same Love' Performance

    When I got married, the ceremony included our friends and family. That special day was meant to make our covenant public only to those who would value its meaning in our lives.

  • The Value of Life Decreases With Black-On-Black Crimes

    The Value of Life Decreases With Black-On-Black Crimes

    Growing up "on the wrong side of the tracks" in Cincinnati, I experienced some of the racial crimes committed – blacks on whites; whites on blacks. But what was most concerning were the heinous acts of violence that involved black perpetrators on black victims, especially involving black men.

  • Signing Away Religious Freedom

    Signing Away Religious Freedom

    As I lead a church and Christian daycare with multiple employees, I am looking carefully at the health benefits we should provide, including the impact of Obamacare. Most people are now willing to admit that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is not a perfect law. Maybe any law with well over 11 million words is bound to have some problems. But while most of the attention has understandably gone to the millions of Americans who are losing their health coverage or their doctors, the problem of the ACA