Joshua Steely

Voices Contributor


  • God has never been lonely

    God has never been lonely

    One of the persistent errors in contemporary thinking about God is the idea that God created out of loneliness.

  • Does God get a say in preferred pronoun?

    Does God get a say in preferred pronoun?

    We try to take the place of God, and by our language to reorder the world according to our designs.  Instead of acknowledging with wonder that we are made in the image of God—male and female (Gen. 1:27)—we not only try to define ourselves, but to define God in the image of our own imaginings.

  • Yes, Christianity offers answers about the coronavirus

    Yes, Christianity offers answers about the coronavirus

    The church does have an encompassing answer that applies to this disease as to every disease of this world, the people on it, and our souls.

  • Words of Defiance

    Words of Defiance

    The way many cultural elites talk may give the impression that the transgender revolt against God, humanity, biology, and reason, has conquered; but, as the great 20th century philosopher Yogi Berra reminded us, "It ain't over 'til it's over."