June Hunt

June Hunt

Special to CP


  • History of the Many First Thanksgivings – From the French to Pilgrims

    History of the Many First Thanksgivings – From the French to Pilgrims

    Thanksgiving to God is the common element that links the early French, Spanish and English settlers as well as Americans of the Civil War period.

  • The Viciousness of Virtual Bullying

    The Viciousness of Virtual Bullying

    This was the last of many cruel, demeaning messages Megan Meier received on October 16, 2006, from a teenage boy she had recently become "friends" with on MySpace. Megan, like countless other teenagers, was a victim of virtual bullying, also known as cyberbullying.

  • Conflict Resolution: How to Turn Your Enemies Into Friends

    Conflict Resolution: How to Turn Your Enemies Into Friends

    Many people deal with anxiety at Christmastime. The frequent reason? Confrontations and conflict that have become a tradition no one wants to keep. If you expect to unwrap personality clashes, painful family history and arguments as part of your Christmas celebration, determine to offer a different sort of gift to your loved ones – the gift of conflict resolution.

  • Election Day and an Eternal Perspective

    Election Day and an Eternal Perspective

    But the very next day … feelings of elation can deflate into despair when "our" candidates do not garner enough votes for victory. Initial disappointment is certainly understandable, especially when those who don't espouse biblical views gain office. God's Word should serve to ground us and to give us a greater perspective concerning the "winners" and "losers" in any political race. For believers, two questions need to be addressed during the electoral season: "Who are you ultimately trusting? W

  • Rape: Separating Myth From Truth

    Rape: Separating Myth From Truth

    MYTH: "Rape is all about sex." TRUTH: Rape has nothing to do with sex. This self-indulgent act is all about an abuse of power and control, typically rooted in deep-seated anger. Rape ... in contrast to God's design for sex ... could not be more opposite. Indeed, they are polar opposites.

  • Starving for Success: Overcoming Anorexia, Bulimia

    Like many who struggle with anorexia or bulimia, Brittany believed she needed to take greater control to make her body just the "right" size and shape. Brittany wanted to feel significant, valuable and important – legitimate desires that she was trying to satisfy in illegitimate ways. She began with fad diets that cut out all carbohydrates, but her attempts to excessively control her food intake led her to spiral out of control into periods of binge eating and purging.

  • The Sexual Predator Pattern

    Typically, childhood sexual abuse is not a onetime, isolated incident, but rather a premeditated plan resulting in repeated abuse by a perpetrator. While the details in each story of abuse may be different, perpetrators follow a predetermined pattern of behavior: first seducing, then stimulating, silencing and suppressing the child.

  • Older Workers: Overqualified, Over-the-Hill or Overflowing With Assets?

    From the age of 65 until he reaches 75, Colonel Harland Sanders oversees the growth of his Kentucky Fried Chicken – from one restaurant in a small Kentucky town, to over 600 restaurants across the United States and Canada.<sup>1 Col. Sanders doesn't allow his advanced age to hold him back. On the contrary, experience, hard work and vision propel him to sizzling success.

  • The Stone Throwers vs. the Caring Spirit

    The Stone Throwers vs. the Caring Spirit

    Anyone can develop a critical spirit by focusing on the failures of others, and obviously no one is without fault. But faultfinders feel justified in playing dual roles: both judge and jury. Meanwhile, those being judged feel unjustly criticized … compared … condemned.

  • How to Respond to Verbal, Emotional Abusers

    How to Respond to Verbal, Emotional Abusers

    At one point, she expressed anger at him for hitting her in the face and breaking her teeth – while she was holding their daughter. His reply? "You [expletive] deserved it."