Mark D. Tooley

Christian Post Contributor


  • Hillary's Methodism

    Hillary's Methodism

    Hillary Clinton's much publicized visit to Foundry United Methodist Church yesterday brought back many memories.

  • Should Christians Say 'God Bless America'?

    Should Christians Say 'God Bless America'?

    A thoughtful Religion News Service commentary notes that some conservative Christians are now troubled by the sentiment of "God Bless America" in a time of state imposed same sex marriage. This trend of spiritual ambivalence towards the nation will likely continue and is itself troubling.

  • Has There Really Been a Surge in Black Church Burnings?

    Has There Really Been a Surge in Black Church Burnings?

    Media reports of the last week have speculated that recent fires at black churches are racist arsons somehow linked to the horrible murders at the historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

  • Can Christians Still Celebrate Independence Day Now That Same Sex Marriage Is Legal?

    Can Christians Still Celebrate Independence Day Now That Same Sex Marriage Is Legal?

    Conservative Christians are in a funk after the Supreme Court's same-sex marriage ruling.

  • Supreme Court Marriage Ruling 'Fashion Over Law'

    Supreme Court Marriage Ruling 'Fashion Over Law'

    There are no winners, and the biggest losers are children in America who are the chief victims of the breakdown of marriage and family.

  • The Eternal Victory of the Charleston Martyrs

    The Eternal Victory of the Charleston Martyrs

    The nine Bible study attenders murdered in Charleston were targeted for their race but they can rightly be honored as Christian martyrs, slain in their church while examining God's Word and offering hospitality to the disturbed visitor who became their killer.

  • Tony Campolo and David Neff: From Evangelical Left to Post Evangelical?

    Tony Campolo and David Neff: From Evangelical Left to Post Evangelical?

    Can Evangelicals who are liberal politically continue to affirm orthodox Christian teaching about marriage and sex?

  • Stalin, Transgenderism & Reinventing Reality

    Stalin, Transgenderism & Reinventing Reality

    Dictatorships, especially totalitarian ones, recognize no objective truth, only what is determined or accepted by the state or ruling elites. Truth is a tool of control, enforced by coercion. The primary tools against this subversion of fact are the transcendent authority of religion, and what is observable in nature, confirmed by conscience.

  • Baltimore, Victimology, Empowerment & Wesley

    Baltimore, Victimology, Empowerment & Wesley

    Fortunately, the April riots in Baltimore eventually subsided, although the underlying causes no doubt persist.

  • A Methodist Boycott of the Holocaust Museum?

    A Methodist Boycott of the Holocaust Museum?

    Recently a longtime United Methodist official, lamenting that Israel's Independence Day obscured the Palestinian "Nakba" or catastrophe, urged boycotting the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. until the Palestinians have their own Holocaust museum.