Nolan Harkness

Nolan Harkness

Rev Nolan J Harkness is the President and CEO of Nolan Harkness Evangelistic Ministries Inc. since 1985. He spent most of his adult life working in youth ministry. He also felt the calling of Evangelist/Revivalist and traveled as the door was open holding evangelistic meetings in churches throughout the Northeast. His website is


  • The beauty of Heaven

    The beauty of Heaven

    I had never seen light that looked like that light! It reminded me of diffused gold. It was bright but not blinding, and beautiful but not of its own self, captivating.

  • Wow, what an entrance God gave Jesus

    Wow, what an entrance God gave Jesus

    Wow, what an entrance the Father gave Jesus when He sent Him to this world! One of the most visually spectacular miracles in the Bible is noted in Luke 2:13,14.

  • Could you be a friend to a minister of God?

    Could you be a friend to a minister of God?

    I know we all admit that we accept that those called unto the ministry are human. I just don’t know whether we truly believe that or not, judging by the way we treat them.

  • The anatomy of all sexual sin

    The anatomy of all sexual sin

    Have you ever considered that premarital and extramarital sex is really stealing? That is what the Lord taught me years ago. It is stealing something that belongs to someone else.

  • Where is my honor? says God

    Where is my honor? says God

    Due to the excess of teaching on grace in the churches today, the thought of serving a God that might be a little demanding turns many people off.

  • Yes, You Go to Church but Are You Really Seeking God?

    Yes, You Go to Church but Are You Really Seeking God?

    Far too many of us we live in what I call crisis mode. We live our everyday lives, go to church, sometimes to every service, but we really do not seek God. We seek our own lives, our own financial security, and from there the list continues on.

  • Ministers' Wives, Satan Is Trying to Take You Out

    Ministers' Wives, Satan Is Trying to Take You Out

    If your husband is called to a ministry then you have one of the enemy's targets on your back. Satan knows if he can take you out he can damage or stop the effectiveness of your husband's fruitfulness.

  • You're Valuable to God

    You're Valuable to God

    It is of utmost importance that we see our value, not in some prideful attitude of self achievement or inherited superior race or family tree, but as helpless human sinners, yet as sinners with value, a value based not on what we are or can do, but on what He can do with and through us.

  • The 2 Olive Trees

    The 2 Olive Trees

    Lately we are seeing in the news an alarming number of pastoral failures. Emotional burnout and moral infidelities among pastors keeps rising. I think it was about eighteen years ago when it hit me that God is all about team ministry.

  • How Many Remember When They First Got Saved?

    How Many Remember When They First Got Saved?

    How many remember the very first days of becoming a Christian? How many remember the experience of being filled with God's Holy Spirit? Oh the new joy! Oh the new peace that passed all understanding!