Paul Tripp

Paul Tripp

CP Guest Columnist


  • 4 Reasons in the Bible Why Talk Is Not Cheap

    4 Reasons in the Bible Why Talk Is Not Cheap

    Whoever came up with that saying was onto something, just like the person who came up with the phrase "actions speak louder than words" - it's much easier to talk about something than it is to actually follow through with it. While these expressions may hold weight in the real world, I don't particularly appreciate them, and here's why: they're fundamentally unbiblical because they devalue the significance of our words.

  • 3 Qualities of Sin, 3 Reasons to Hope to Break Free

    3 Qualities of Sin, 3 Reasons to Hope to Break Free

    I wish I could say that since coming to a saving faith, I have found complete freedom from sin. I wish I could say with honesty that my entire life has been a reflection of Romans 6:11 – "dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus." But sadly, that's not the reality of my life. Why is it that we struggle day after day? And how do we ultimately break free? That's what this Article is about.

  • Easter: 3 Things the Empty Tomb Reveals About God

    Easter: 3 Things the Empty Tomb Reveals About God

    If you want to hear my extended thoughts on the most important Sunday of the year, you can listen to my three sermons on Easter. But for today, I'm simply going to write about three fundamental character qualities that the empty tomb reveals about God.

  • What Makes a Man a Man?

    What Makes a Man a Man?

    These are ongoing debates whose conclusions will shape the lives of thousands of boys who are in the process of becoming men. The "manhood" conversation is something no serious Christian can avoid.

  • God Is Relentlessly Angry but Abundantly Gracious

    God Is Relentlessly Angry but Abundantly Gracious

    God is angry, and his anger is relentless. If you were trying to persuade someone of the Christian faith, that's probably not the first line you would use. After all, isn't Christianity all about an abundantly gracious God who loves his children?

  • 23 Things That Love Is

    23 Things That Love Is

    With Valentine's Day upon us, here's a gospel-centered reminder about how to love. But, you don't have to be romantically in love to find this list practical. Every healthy relationship requires love and sacrifice, so if you're a parent, child, sibling, neighbor, pastor, or co-worker, this list is for you.

  • Does the Bible Confuse You?

    Does the Bible Confuse You?

    Does the Bible confuse you at times? One puzzling verse for me has always been Psalm 51:4, when David says to the Lord, "Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight." (ESV)

  • Parenting in a Fallen World (Pt. 1)

    Paul David Tripp declares why he hates parenting: because we live in a world that's dramatically broken

  • A Lifestyle of Devotion

    A Lifestyle of Devotion

    Your "devotional life" shouldn't be slotted into your daily schedule after your morning workout and before you start your work for the day. No, your devotional life is meant to shape the way you think about your body, your job, your family, your social circle, your calendar, and your budget.

  • The Love of God

    The Love of God

    If you had to take a pencil and a piece of paper (if anyone even uses that anymore!) and write a paragraph describing the love of God, what would you write?