Rev. Mark H. Creech

Rev. Mark H. Creech

Christian Post Columnist


  • Donald Trump Should Ask God's Forgiveness for Supporting Gambling

    Donald Trump Should Ask God's Forgiveness for Supporting Gambling

    But the point here is that support or opposition to gambling says a great deal about the character and worldview of the individuals vying for power. Into whose hands and with what kind of person will we give the reigns of one entire branch of the federal government?

  • United Methodists Call for Ending Drug War 'In the Love of Christ'

    United Methodists Call for Ending Drug War 'In the Love of Christ'

    Poor John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, must be rolling over in his grave. Earlier this month, the New England Conference of United Methodists, a group of 600 churches spanning six states, approved a resolution calling for an end to the nation's war on drugs.

  • Christians Obligated to Resist Unjust Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling

    Christians Obligated to Resist Unjust Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling

    Civil disobedience is not something Christians in the United States have ever had to use often. We've always been abundantly blessed with religious liberty. Nevertheless, for obvious reasons this is changing and we're about to learn how to humbly, prayerfully, wisely, nonviolently, and dutifully resist unjust law.

  • Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision Will Be Overturned, By Us or By God

    Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision Will Be Overturned, By Us or By God

    For many who still believe that marriage is defined by God as one man and one woman, Friday's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to arrogantly redefine the institution came as no real surprise. Nevertheless, no matter how deliberately we may have prepared our hearts for this day, it is still just as heartbreaking and every bit as egregious.

  • The Sad Consequences of Biblical Authority Surrendered

    The Sad Consequences of Biblical Authority Surrendered

    At the risk of being perceived as a religious bigot and a pharisaical prude, I suggest we have moved into an era of apostasy because numerous mainline denominations compromised the authority of Scripture a few decades back.

  • Wanted: True Friends of Religious Liberty

    Wanted: True Friends of Religious Liberty

    People of faith that have sincere religious objections to same-sex marriage have every reason to question whether they have a friend in the Governor's office, and, perhaps in certain lawmakers.

  • The Old Tale of the Stone in the Road Teaches Christians How to React to Challenges Today

    The Old Tale of the Stone in the Road Teaches Christians How to React to Challenges Today

    There is a story of yesteryear about a great and wise king who was always looking for effective ways to teach his people about good citizenship. He once said, "Nothing good can come to a nation where people constantly complain and expect others to solve their problems. God gives the good things of life to those who take responsibility for its challenges."

  • An Open Letter to the National Rifle Association (NRA)

    An Open Letter to the National Rifle Association (NRA)

    I want to begin this correspondence by saying that I believe very much in what you've stood for over the years. Your organization has worked tirelessly to defend our nation's Second Amendment. Although I never took the time to join the NRA, I am a fan and believe the nation is indebted to your great work. What concerns me, however, is a recent NRA-ILA alert that was sent to your members in North Carolina that I believe smears people of faith, like me, who oppose Sunday hunting.

  • The Blessings of Religious Liberty and the Positives of Persecution

    The Blessings of Religious Liberty and the Positives of Persecution

    I once knew a pastor who has since passed away, who was always concerned his parishioners understood and appreciated the privileges of religious liberty. One Sunday, during the celebration of a July 4th weekend, he totally surprised his congregation with a living illustration.

  • Hunting: Weakening the Value of the 'Lord's Day'

    Hunting: Weakening the Value of the 'Lord's Day'

    The origin of the statement is unknown; nevertheless, someone once said that our great grandfathers called it the holy Sabbath. Our grandfathers called it the Sabbath. Our fathers called it Sunday. We refer to it as the weekend and it's been getting weaker ever since.