Rod Anderson

CP Cartoonist


  • The Sacredness of Work

    The Sacredness of Work

    Being God's image bearers, we all want to work and create. We love to innovate or improve how something works. We get great satisfaction from a job well done or fixing what was broken.

  • Join the Church . . . Join the Family!

    Join the Church . . . Join the Family!

    This familial relationship is something of the nature of God, and we, too, as believers have become part of this family.

  • Is Prison Reform Overlooking Women?

    Is Prison Reform Overlooking Women?

    Female inmates in the United States face a host of issues that their counterparts in men's prisons don't even have to think about.

  • Millennial Faith Leaders Come to the Forefront!

    Millennial Faith Leaders Come to the Forefront!

    Millennials and Generation Z are some of today's most effective evangelists because, unlike generations before them, they "believe they can change the world."

  • Depression: A Pastor's Struggle

    Depression: A Pastor's Struggle

    Many pastors really do struggle with depression.

  • Will the Church Survive in an Automated World?

    Will the Church Survive in an Automated World?

    When I speak to pastors about emerging technology I often ask them to envision a single scenario. I suggest that they imagine that they are standing in their pulpit on Sunday morning, looking out on the faces of their congregants, only to discover that half of their congregation is suddenly unemployed.

  • The World Is a Scary Place!

    The World Is a Scary Place!

    In a recent survey of 2,400 churchgoers we found that 80 percent indicated that they lived with moderate to significant levels of fear.

  • Where Has Giving Gone?

    Where Has Giving Gone?

    You are trying to comprehend why the giving levels in your church are down. You may know several possibilities, but you aren't certain.

  • Can Youth Pastors Reach Would-Be School Shooters?

    Can Youth Pastors Reach Would-Be School Shooters?

    EI have had the delight of being able to spend more than 30 years of my life doing whatever I could to reach teenagers for Christ. My first calling in that area was in the early 1980s where teen suicide in America had reached epidemic proportion.

  • Are Schools Teaching Transgender Ideology?

    Are Schools Teaching Transgender Ideology?

    What was once unthinkable has become unquestionable. And so, every Christian must know how to engage the transgender moment.