Zig Ziglar

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • ZigOn The Succession of a Philosophy

    ZigOn The Succession of a Philosophy

    On a recent trip to India, I had the opportunity to address corporate executives on the truths I have been sharing for more than 50 years. It was one of those East meets West moments that cause you to reflect on your own journey and its impact on the lives of those that embraced the philosophy.

  • ZigOn The Main Thing

    ZigOn The Main Thing

    The refrain most often heard in the media, in private conversations and correspondence, is "I apologize for not getting back sooner, but I've been so busy..."

  • ZigOn The Ten Commandments

    ZigOn The Ten Commandments

    There seems to be a number of contradictions in our society. We are inundated with statistics proving that crime is decreasing, the economy is better than ever, unemployment is at a 30 year low and technology is solving many problems. Yet we are also being told that there are more poor people than there were 20 or 30 years ago.

  • ZigOn Work

    ZigOn Work

    One of my favorite quips about work is this: Someone asked a worker how long he had been working for his company and he smilingly responded, "Ever since they threatened to fire me."

  • ZigOn English

    ZigOn English

    Around the world it's acknowledged that English, Japanese and Navajo are three of the toughest languages to learn. Since English is the most popular and is used by more countries than any other language in the world, we need to explore why it is so difficult.

  • ZigOn Teaching by Example
  • ZigOn Quantity

    ZigOn Quantity

  • ZigOn Preachers

    ZigOn Preachers

  • ZigOn Drinking Alcohol
  • ZigOn Teamwork

    ZigOn Teamwork