Controversial Televangelist Peter Popoff Hawks 'Miracle Water'

Peter Popoff, the controversial televangelist who amassed millions from a "prophetic anointing" that was later revealed to have come, at least in part, from information fed to him over a radio by his wife, Elizabeth, is now hawking baggies of "miracle spring water" that promises to rid its drinkers from debt.
The wealth-attracting water is being marketed through Popoff's website and early morning and late night broadcasts on popular Cable TV channels like Black Entertainment Television (BET) despite a wealth of evidence, including a report by noted skeptic, James Randi, that his miracle ministry reeks of chicanery.
The Christian Post reached out to a representative of BET programming on Thursday who said questions regarding the Popoff broadcasts should be directed to its public affairs section. A response to questions directed to that section has not been returned.
In the electric infomercial about the miracle water, which Popoff provides for "free," several of its sippers swear by its potency and report hundreds, even thousands of dollars in debt being cancelled by the water's power.
"This lady right here, Gloria Freeman, guess how much money she got after you prayed with her and sent her the miracle spring water, how much did you get?" prompts an excited host in the infomercial.
"Um, $23,000," replied Freeman to delirious applause from an awestruck crowd.
"It was close to $11,000," gushed another miracle water drinker. "When you don't have that in your wallet, $11,000 is like $2 million to you and I give God praise for that," she said. "So trust and believe God, It'll happen for you. That's a true prophet," she charged.
The miracle spring water comes with a miracle tool and its peddlers suggest it can get you on your way to debt free living. It can also influence divine money transfers directly into your account.
The Christian Post reached out to Popoff's toll free number to get a sample of the water rushed to the publication's office, but was met with an automated recording of Popoff's voice asking for a name and contact information in order to send the water in a rush.
CP decided to rely, however, on the YouTube testimony of "Josh," who posted a recording of his order of the miracle water last March under the username Ankh Infinitus.
One commenter on the video identified as MissSwaggaLovesYou noted three weeks ago that: "I sent off for that crap a week ago. It came today, I threw it in the trash. The stories I've read seem like witchcraft or wiccan nonsense."
The Better Business Bureau (BBB), which gave Popoff's People United for Christ an F rating in the past, does not have a current rating for his organization.
"This charitable organization either has not responded to written BBB requests for information or has declined to be evaluated in relation to BBB Standards for Charity Accountability. Charity participation in BBB review is voluntary. However, without the requested information, it is not possible to determine whether this charity adheres to all of the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability," noted the BBB on its website. "The BBB encourages charities to disclose accountability information beyond that typically included in financial statements and government filings, in order to demonstrate transparency and strengthen public trust in the charitable sector," it said.