Director Ridley Scott Pushes A Brotherly Bond Between Moses and Rhamses in 'Exodus: Gods and Men'

It is clear from an abbreviated screening of Ridley Scott's new film "Exodus: Gods and Men" that the acclaimed director Ridley Scott is pushing a brotherly bond between Moses and Rhamses.
The Christian Post screened several clips of the highly-anticipated blockbuster this week in which Scott explained his desire to emphasize the relationship between Moses and Rhamses. Although "Exodus" still needs finishing touches, the big screen Biblical adaptation stars Christian Bale as an enigmatic but perceptive Moses, who Scott said is "brothers in everything but blood" with the Pharaoh's son, Rhamses.
Right off the bat, the first clip of "Exodus" demonstrates the brotherly connection between Moses and Ramses (Joel Edgerton) who nervously listen to a prophecy indicating that Moses will save Rhamses in battle, but that he will later rule over the Egyptian royal. Then, the pair receive swords branded with each other's names as gifts from the Pharaoh before they take an oath to protect one another. Later, once he is made Pharaoh, Rhamses trusts Moses above all others.
However, tensions threatened the "brotherhood" from very early on since the Pharaoh preferred Moses over his own son. Making matters worse, the prophecy of Moses saving Rhamses comes true, and mistrust and fear shake their bond to the core. And later, when Moses realizes he is Hebrew, Rhamses banishes his brother to the desert.
"Exodus" is not the first film to project a brotherhood between Moses and the Pharaoh, including Disney's "The Prince of Egypt." However, the Biblical story of Exodus makes no mention of Rhamses at all and only refers to Aaron, the blood, Hebrew brother of Moses.
Despite the change from Scripture, the brotherly dynamic is further exhibited in "Exodus" when Moses repeatedly attempts to warn Rhamses against keeping Hebrew slaves, urging the king to accept God before his firstborn child is killed and Egypt is destroyed. Nonetheless, Rhamses refuses to heed the advice of Moses, and the limited "Exodus" screening impressively introduced four of the ten plagues unleashed by God onto Egypt. After the skies darkened, the Nile turned from water to blood, frogs invaded homes, and locusts swallowed crops whole in the preview.
Moreover, the clips of "Exodus" immediately revealed both the sheer magnitude of the cast (over 10,000 extras) and an enormous budget, resulting in "Gladiator" -like cinematography. Also, Bale proves to be a committed steward of Moses's mission, and Edgerton's performance as Rhamses is just as shiny as the actor's bronzed cheeks and golden garb in the film. Unfortunately, the preview did not include the burning bush, the parting of the Red Sea or other big moments of the story- but the fully finished film is expected in theaters Dec. 12.
Watch the trailer here.