Ed Young of Fellowship Church to Star in Reality Show? Family Dubbed 'Christianized Version' of the Kardashians

Ed Young, Jr., pastor of Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas, has been in talks with a Los Angeles producer and at least one network about him and his family starring in their own reality show.
"We have not signed anything," Young was quoted as saying in a Dallas Morning News' FD Luxe feature published online Thursday.
The lengthy feature titled, "Dear God: Is Dallas society ready for Fellowship Church's sex-loving, million-dollar minister?" focuses on Pastor Young's family life and successes in Christian ministry.
Young revealed that although his family has been "approached repeatedly over the years to do a show," this was the first time they have felt at ease about moving forward, thanks to the unnamed Los Angeles producer who has so far pitched the idea to A&E Television.
"If we would have some sort of guidance over editing," said Young, "I don't mind showing anybody anything."
The FD Luxe feature notes that talks with several other networks about a possible reality show starring the Youngs had been scheduled. It also suggests that Ed and Lisa Young and their four children were perfect for a reality show, and lists the "requisite glossy ingredients" that make the Texas family comparable to "a Christianized version of a certain other well-funded, camera-friendly family: the Kardashians."
Among the requisite reality show ingredients are a "quirky entourage" and the setting, of which FD Luxe writes: "The Youngs' palatial manor — 7,100 square feet, arched windows, Spanish-tile roof — is a glamorous backdrop. Inside, the soaring ceilings and graciously sized rooms are both attractive to look at and ample enough to accommodate a camera crew."
As for the quirky entourage: "Ed and Lisa each have personal assistants to help them manage their growing empire of churches, media projects, speaking engagements and outreach work. Ed's assistant, Renee Wilson, a longtime Fellowship member, already has TV cred as a former contestant on NBC's The Biggest Loser: Families."
The feature also compared Young to fellow Texas megachurch pastors T.D. Jakes of The Potter's House and Joel Osteen of Lakewood Church and how they have taken on "the issues of God versus gaudy," or being a wealthy Christian minister in the spotlight.
"We should not apologize for the blessings of God. It's not how much you have, or how much you make. It's how much you give," Young was quoted as saying.
He added, "I don't think you can make a case — in fact, I know that you can't — for poverty in the Bible. And I don't think you can make a case for wealth.
"There are people in Scripture who are transcendently wealthy — I mean, a lot wealthier than even people that we would recognize in Dallas — Abraham, David, Solomon, Joseph of Arimathea, Lazarus — they were some major, major hitters and some of the fathers of our faith. … Whenever you step out and God has blessed you, or you have any measure of success, people hate. But, you know, you've got to love everybody and just do before God what he tells you to do."
As for the proposed reality show, if the Youngs do happen to sign a contract to star in their own television series, the program would be among a list of other such faith-based shows, some of which include "Duck Dynasty," "Snake Salvation," "Thicker Than Water," and "Preachers of L.A."
Young founded Fellowship Church in 1989 and currently leads about 20,000 congregants across six campuses, the newest one located in London. Read FD Luxe's full feature on Young: http://fdluxe.dallasnews.com/2013/11/dear-god-are-the-park-cities-ready-for-pastor-ed-and-lisa.html.