Pope Francis Accidentally Says Italian Version of F-Word (VIDEO)
Say it ain't so, Pope Francis!
While delivering his weekly Sunday homily, the leader of the Roman Catholic accidentally uttered the Italian equivalent of the F-word.

The Pope inadvertently confused the Italian word "caso," which can mean a case or example, with the swear word "cazzo," though he hardly let it rattle him as he made his way through his sermon.
The pope was in the middle of identifying the characteristics of Christians looking out for the less fortunate, when he made his error.
"He doesn't accumulate wealth for himself but shares it to benefit other people. In this [f-word,] in this case the providence of God will become visible through this gesture of solidarity," he said.
Pope Francis also reminded Christians, "Jesus has repeatedly warned the rich, a heart possessed by riches leaves little room for faith."
The unfolding geopolitical crisis in the Ukraine was also a subject of the Pope's concern and the Church leader said that he hoped that the country would work together to "overcome misunderstandings and build together the future of the nation."
The week of March 2 is a busy one for Christians, including the Pope, who observe the liturgical calendar. Mardi Gras is on Tuesday, preceding Ash Wednesday which kicks off the Lenten season.