Scarlett Johansson vs. Albert Camus: Is Abortion a Human Right?

"In a speech at Variety's 2016 Power of Women L.A. luncheon last week, actress Scarlett Johansson said abortion is no longer 'a woman's rights issue' but 'a human rights issue'," Melanie Hunter reports at
"A woman's right to choose what to do with her body shouldn't be just a woman's right. It's the year 2016, and this is a human rights issue," the actress said.

I would suggest this is an odd "human right." For as Ms. Johansson expresses it, it is a human right that does not apply to all human beings.
Excluded in this human right are many individuals of both sexes — in fact, every single human being who happens to be living in his or her mother's womb. That seems a bit non-inclusive.
Imagine: A human right that does not apply to all humans.
But there is more at work here than non-inclusion. For this is a blood-stained exclusion. It is a "human right" that tries to legitimize the tearing of limbs and heads from human beings — so long as their geography places them inside their mother instead of outside.
For me, I prefer the stance of atheist Albert Camus, who in Resistance, Rebellion, and Death said he would "continue to struggle against this universe in which children suffer and die."
Camus also said, "We are faced with evil. . . . Perhaps we cannot prevent this world from being a world in which children are tortured. But we can reduce the number of tortured children."
Unfortunately the executioners are multiplying. No worries, though, for everyone is safe — except for human beings condemned to a temporary and perhaps final existence in a mother's womb.
One wonders if humane thoughts such as these enter the professionally rebellious minds of the Scarlett Johansson and other members of the Hollywood One Percent. Or is questioning the abortion status quo just a little too risky?
So, yes. Very sadly for this world and the children in it — for preborn children and for post-utero children — the executioners are multiplying and so are the torturers.
They march under the banner "Abortion Macht Frei." "Abortion Makes You Free" lets humans live while humanity dies.
We can thank the likes of Planned Parenthood for this, as well as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Hollywood elites who drink doctrines that legalize the torture and execution of children.
And you wonder why grown-ups, who are perhaps not quite as innocent as children yet in the womb, conclude it's a good idea to be able to defend yourself and your family from the executioners and torturers as they rise to government power. As their ugly philosophy elicits smiles on glamorous faces.
First the womb, then the world. What happens in the womb doesn't stay in the womb.
Intelligence and humanness revolt.