Bill Connor

Bill Connor

Op-ed Contributor


  • Russian military culminates into new 'phase' in Ukraine

    Russian military culminates into new 'phase' in Ukraine

    Proverbs 29:6 tells us: “The evil fall into their own traps.” It appears Putin has culminated in his invasion of Ukraine and may have fallen into the trap he set. Let’s pray wisdom prevails with his next decision.

  • How US can be wise in handling Ukraine invasion

    How US can be wise in handling Ukraine invasion

    In 1991, the United States used military force to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait.  Then the U.S. used force against Serbia in 1999 to prevent ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. We then fought in Iraq and Afghanistan after 9-11. In none of those cases did the United States face a serious threat of nuclear war. 

  • Russia's many military failures explained

    Russia's many military failures explained

    From my own military experience, as well as information from various sources, I would like to offer the following explanation about Russian missteps beyond the logistics issues from my last article.

  • Chinese Communist Party is enabling the Ukraine invasion

    Chinese Communist Party is enabling the Ukraine invasion

    The “hidden” truth is that China has attached itself to Russia in a way seldom seen between great powers in history. 

  • Military observations of the Russian invasion

    Military observations of the Russian invasion

    Having served in mechanized, light (including Ranger Training) infantry, with operational deployments over a 30-year infantry officer career, I would like to offer the following observations about Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

  • The American Bar Association just got more woke

    The American Bar Association just got more woke

    With the move to require American lawyers and judges to inculcate CRT tenets in their work with the American judicial system, we are in dangerous territory.

  • Why we don't want Europe-style free speech in America

    Why we don't want Europe-style free speech in America

    In my experience of living in Europe for many years, I found the European value of free speech to be quite distinct from America’s.

  • COVID lockdowns proven 'ill-founded,' but media ignores

    COVID lockdowns proven 'ill-founded,' but media ignores

    The Progressive left, including allies in the media, cannot be allowed to continue their monopoly on what constitutes “science” and suppressing everyone else. Science comes from continually questioning and demanding proof. That didn’t happen with lockdowns, and hundreds of millions suffered.

  • Desperate Democrats hatch plan to eliminate their opponents

    Desperate Democrats hatch plan to eliminate their opponents

    Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is the most recent example of a desperate leader resorting to this strategy.  Before the 2010 Iraqi Parliamentary elections, Maliki was behind in public support so he sought to use the allegation of “Baathist” to take out political opponents in the same way the Democrats are using “insurrectionist.”

  • Now they want to send the National Guard on the unvaccinated

    Now they want to send the National Guard on the unvaccinated

    In a recent Salt Lake Tribune editorial, readers were greeted with a chilling proposal:  “Were Utah a truly civilized place, the governor’s next move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign we should have launched a year ago, going as far as to deploy the National Guard to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”