Chuck Bentley

Chuck Bentley

CP Guest Contributor

Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.


  • Ask Chuck: What about friendship and business growth?

    Ask Chuck: What about friendship and business growth?

    I’m a small business owner concerned about the decline in real friendships. My business is built on them, but most of my young staff think social media is enough. Have you ever written about friendships and business growth? If so, where?

  • Ask Chuck: I’m broke, and Valentine's Day is coming!

    Ask Chuck: I’m broke, and Valentine's Day is coming!

    Valentine’s Day seems bogus to me; yet I’m feeling the pressure to do something special. Any tips for someone who is broke?

  • Ask Chuck: Biblical principles of investing during rapid change

    Ask Chuck: Biblical principles of investing during rapid change

    I am a recent widow. I have been advised to move my investments out of foreign stocks due to possible economic turmoil under our new administration. My advisor is not a Christian; what biblical principles can guide me?

  • Ask Chuck: Helping your elderly parents financially

    Ask Chuck: Helping your elderly parents financially

    I want to help my elderly parents who live on a fixed income. I don’t want them to get penalized with taxable income. Can you advise me?

  • Ask Chuck: ‘Dry January’ can be life-changing

    Ask Chuck: ‘Dry January’ can be life-changing

    My wife talked me into “Dry January” as a way to save money. Can you give me some better ideas? I agreed to do this, but it seems like a gimmick.

  • Ask Chuck: I need to save some money this year

    Ask Chuck: I need to save some money this year

    I need to save some money this year, but I feel like a failure every time I try. What does the Bible offer that will help me achieve my goal?

  • Ask Chuck: Financial framework for a happy 2025

    Ask Chuck: Financial framework for a happy 2025

    We are tired of living on the edge. We want to get our financial house in order in the New Year. Can you give me a framework that my husband and I can rally around to finally get focused and make real progress?

  • Ask Chuck: Maximizing the use of your 401(K)

    Ask Chuck: Maximizing the use of your 401(K)

    I am 28 years old and in my first professional position in IT. I am trying to figure out how to make use of our company’s 401(k) plan. Right now I can only afford to contribute $100/month.

  • Ask Chuck: Will Bitcoin fever pan out?

    Ask Chuck: Will Bitcoin fever pan out?

    I thought Bitcoin was a joke until now. My wife and I are thinking of putting some of our retirement funds into it but wonder if we are too late? Maybe gold is better?

  • Ask Chuck: Donating my Christmas bonus

    Ask Chuck: Donating my Christmas bonus

    I received a Christmas bonus from my company and feel led to give to the Lord first. With so many places to give and so many requests this time of year, I’m having a hard time knowing which are reputable, trustworthy, and safe. I want to give before year-end for tax purposes. Does Crown have any guidelines?