Phil Ginn
Murder at the DNC
The blood of our children, murdered for the sake of convenience, is crying out to God.
America, return back to God
Come home, America, to the God who has preserved us as a nation these many years.
The main concern for Christian voters?
Here in 2024, we just intuitively know that something is different, don’t we? Perhaps in the minds of many voters though, the choices have never been lower.
The culture will assault us. Still, we must stand firm
Throughout history, there have been brave men and women, who with no thought for their personal welfare, have impacted civilization simply by taking a stand.
Will 'honor killing,' cannibalism also be justified as religious beliefs?
In short, the three appellate judges agreed with the original county judge that the plaintiffs’ desire to obtain an abortion was directed by their sincere religious beliefs so that the destruction of their child is nothing more than “their exercise of religion.”
New 'X' gender in US citizenship form is a sad farce
If America is to survive, we must, as a nation, turn away from the absurdities of a make-believe world of sin and depredation and once again embrace the God line of morality that once existed in the hearts of our people.
Christians will not go quietly into their night of despair
It was Billy Graham who once said, “If God does not destroy America, then He will have to go back into history and apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Parents beware: School and public libraries are grooming our kids
It is not only in retail areas where explicit material of a sexual nature can be obtained by our children, but also in taxpayer-funded public libraries and in their own school libraries.
Israel, Palestine and Lebanon: A Middle East conundrum
While America should be ever vigilant on the world stage to stand with the nation of Israel because it simply is in our best national interest to do so, there is a far more serious consideration.
US broken immigration system: Are they going after Christians?
There is, however, a disturbing pattern being played out through these controversies as our government chooses to expend its resources against Christians instead of focusing on the mass invasion of unknowns coming across the Southern border.