Rob Schwarzwalder
‘De-conversions’ and the knowledge of the truth
Recently, I watched a video by a young former pastor who has renounced his Christian faith. He was gracious and not hostile toward evangelicals. Rather, he explained why he had jettisoned his relationship with Jesus.
A crippling hit to the porn industry?
I’ll take the hard scientific data on pornography’s effects on physical, mental, and emotional well-being as a basis for keeping it away from young people.
How to think about government in a post-Christian America
Unlike the believers in the Roman era, we are citizens who can defend and advance those things that sustain and enhance life, liberty and family. Not to use this precious right, gained for us at such great cost, is to squander something God has entrusted to us.
Can we recover a common moral language?
Even if our appeals fall on deaf ears, they might penetrate into the depth of the soul.
Jesus, women and us
This kind of love and respect is a reminder to all of His male followers that they serve a Master Who demands they live as He did, including in their treatment of all the women in their lives.
Loss, grief and sneering at death
Loss needs comfort. But death deserves, from the Christian, a sneer.
Christ followers, you don't have a license to be obnoxious in the name of truth
Politics is inherently oppositional. To take a stance on an issue about which people have strong and diverse views is to invite conflict.
'Toward a More Perfect Union': We can teach ugly truths and beauty of America (book review)
My point, and I think Goeglein’s, is not that we should gloss over the errors of our past but, in recounting them, note the battles for ending them that have been waged since our nation began. No other country in the world has the capacity for self-correction than the United States.
Watch out for spiritual predators
Don’t be surprised by false teaching. Watch out for spiritual predators. Hold fast to the Word of life. Make disciples. “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (I Corinthians 15:58). After all, the battle has already been won.
True identity and the LGBTQ movement
Every person bears God’s image and likeness and possesses capacities for intimate relationship and moral reflection. This, not romantic or sexual attraction, composes the core of one’s identity.