William Wolfe
Price controls? You mean communism
When approaching the idea of price controls from a biblical worldview, it’s clear that Christians should oppose such statist policies.
Socialism isn’t 'neighborly' — it’s deadly
Half of America might well mark the ballot for a socialist ticket. What should we think about this?
By sparing Trump, God saved America from civil war
Had Trump not gone off-script and turned to look at a graph, had the shooter been a better shot, America might be in the midst of a civil war right now.
The Boy Scouts get trans-ed
When we finally do and begin rebuilding from the rubble, maybe then we can make the Boy Scouts great again.
Communism isn’t cool, it’s deadly
Do not let the siren song of utopian ideals lure you into a system that has caused so much pain and suffering — no matter how cool the confused world manages to make it look.
How to be a happy culture warrior
Because Christ is King of the world, and not just our hearts, Christians should also be culture warriors — specifically, happy culture warriors.
Even atheists can see through the trans delusion
What’s surprising, and perhaps hopeful, is when even atheists show signs that they, too, can see through the transgender delusion.
How to stay Christian in college
If you aren’t careful, college just might shipwreck your faith.
What do secular critics of 'Christian Nationalism' really want?
You don’t have to adopt, or even like, the term “Christian nationalism” to be able to see that this is what’s really going on.
Why Christians should pray for a secure border
It’s good to be politically engaged: To go to rallies, to write petitions, and to vote. But when was the last time you prayed for those in political authority?