
Pastor Mike Glenn announces pending departure from megachurch to focus on church planting

Mike Glenn speaks in a video message to Brentwood Baptist Church.
Mike Glenn speaks in a video message to Brentwood Baptist Church. | Brentwood Baptist Church

Mike Glenn, the senior pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church, a megachurch in Tennessee, has announced he is stepping down from the pulpit to focus on church planting and “re-purposing” churches in changing communities.

“Knowing that this day would come doesn’t make it any easier now that it has arrived,” Glenn wrote in a letter to the congregation. “Today, I want to announce to you that 2023 will be my last year as the senior pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church. Thirty-two years — by any standard — is an amazing run, and I’m grateful for every minute. But the time has come for someone else to lead BBC into the future that I’m convinced God has for our church.”

Glenn became the senior pastor of the Nashville-area church in 1991. Under his leadership, the church has grown to a membership of over 11,000 people, according to the church’s website. Since 2010, the church has grown from two campuses to seven locations throughout Middle Tennessee.

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In his letter, Glenn stressed that the decision to step down was his “alone” and came after “months of prayer and a deep love for you.” The pastor also said he wants to spend more time working with pastors, church planters and leaders in Middle Tennessee. 

“I want to work with churches to plant new churches and re-purpose churches in changing communities. The most fun I have right now is working with our campus pastors. I want to do more of this,” he said. 

In a video statement accompanying his letter, Glenn said in January 2024, he will become the executive director of the Engaged Church Network, which is described as “a family of gospel-centered churches, serving together to reach their communities for Jesus Christ.”

“This is an exciting time for our church. I can see where we're going, I can see what has to happen. I'm just not the guy to get us there. I've been confirmed in this and my prayer time and my conversation with other leaders. You're ready, the future is ready,” he said. 

Glenn is a well-known figure in the Southern Baptist Convention, the biggest Protestant denomination in the United States. He previously served on the executive board of the Tennessee Baptist Convention, the Board of Trustees of Belmont University and the Board of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. 

According to the  Brentwood Baptist Trustees, Glenn will “continue to offer his wisdom, experience, and vision” as the church seeks to fill the soon-to-be vacant position of senior pastor.

“We will share updates on the process for a new senior pastor in the coming months,” they said. “Our church bylaws outline the steps for this process, and ultimately, the church body will decide on the Trustees’ recommendation.”

On Twitter, local pastors reacted to the news of Glenn’s announcement. 

“Major news here locally, but also big for the SBC,” wrote Jonathan Howe, host of SBC This Week. “Mike Glenn announced his pending retirement as pastor of @brentwoodbc ‘llikely toward the end of 2023.’ Please be in prayer for this great church and for Mike during this time of transition.”

Robby Gallaty, pastor of Long Hollow Church in Tennessee, called Glenn “the real deal,” adding: “He’s been a friend and mentor to me over the past year.”

Leah M. Klett is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at:

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