5 Laws That Can Get Bipartisan Support After Florida School Shooting

While talk of gun-related legislation after a mass shooting is often met with cynicism and skepticism, mostly due to the opposition of conservatives, there are some efforts afoot that are gaining bipartisan support.
Gun control laws are not the only issues under consideration. The Parkland, Florida, school shooting pointed to problems within the FBI at processing information related to potential shooters. Others have raised cultural issues, such as fatherlessness, bullying in schools, and the fetishization of guns in gun magazines, music videos, movies and video games. And President Donald Trump, among others, mentioned mental health as an issue to address. Nonetheless, gun control has been central to our national conversations on what should be done about mass shootings.
An assault weapons ban is the gun control measure most people know about, because it is most talked about and Congress already passed it once before. But another assault weapons ban is unlikely to get conservative support. They argue it wouldn't reduce the number or lethality of mass shootings; therefore, it is unnecessarily restrictive of gun ownership.
But there are some proposals that can gain conservative support. Here are five of them: