6 Christian Reactions to Trump-Putin Summit: 'Putin's Prison Bride' or Pursuing Peace?

U.S. President Donald Trump has been facing a torrent of criticism for his meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday in Helsinki, Finland, but he's also been defended by those saying he's pursuing peace.
The two world leaders met for nearly two hours behind closed doors, and participated in a press conference for another hour afterwards.
A significant part of that press conference focused on the allegations that Russian nationals meddled in the 2016 presidential elections, which saw Trump defeat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
Trump insisted during the conference that there had been "no collusion" between his campaign and Russia, and said that despite some U.S. intelligence officials suggesting there was election meddling, he believes Putin, who insists Russia played no part in the outcome.
The press conference has sharply divided Republicans and Democrats, including many Christians. Some, such as U.S. Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., have claimed that Trump has "abased himself before a tyrant," though evangelists such as Franklin Graham have said that Trump is cultivating peace.
Here are six different reactions from prominent Christians to the Helsinki summit: