Preaching the Dream: 5 important speeches by Martin Luther King Jr.

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a notable figure in the civil rights movement, being for many the face of the 1960s struggle for racial equality.
King remains one of the few historic figures in the United States to have a federal holiday named in his honor, falling on the third Monday of January every year.
Known for organizing massive demonstrations and using the tactic of nonviolence, King is also well-remembered for his inspirational speeches advocating for social change.
Some of these words were spoken at large civil rights gatherings, while others were given within the sanctuaries of churches. They are well remembered and often quoted in the modern day.
Here are five memorable speeches given by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. over the course of his public career. They include remarks given at the March on Washington and words spoken the day before he was assassinated.