
Black-clad mob at UNT attacks dad fighting to save son from trans puberty blockers

Protesters scream at Jeff Younger, who has received national attention for his opposition to his ex-wife’s efforts to transition his son into a female, as he attempts to give a speech at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, March 2, 2022.
Protesters scream at Jeff Younger, who has received national attention for his opposition to his ex-wife’s efforts to transition his son into a female, as he attempts to give a speech at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, March 2, 2022. | Screenshot: Twitter/MrAndyNgo

Editor’s note: this article contains some profanity.

Liberal protesters at the University of North Texas denounced a concerned father who wants to stop the gender transition of his son as a “fascist” and forced the student organizer of a lecture in which the father spoke to hide in a closet amid threats to her safety.

The Young Conservatives of Texas, which has chapters at several college campuses in Texas, hosted an event featuring Jeff Younger at the Denton, Texas-based university on Wednesday. 

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Younger is a father who lost custody of his trans-identified biological son after objecting to his ex-wife’s efforts to transition him from male to female. 

Younger, who is running as a Republican for the Texas House of Representatives, was asked to give a presentation titled “For the Future of Texas: Federalism as State Nationalism, Conservatism as Traditionalism, [and] Republican Politics as Restoration.”

A promo for the event announced that Younger, a “local business owner and veteran,” would share “his vision for Texas” and stated that he had received “national attention defending his young son against being forcibly transitioned by his ex-wife, and now looks to continue the fight representing Texas House District 63.”

As a political candidate, Younger wants the state legislature to “outlaw sex-change surgeries on children” and criticizes the legislature for failing to do so in the last two sessions. 

Initially scheduled for Feb. 23, a winter storm led the organizers to postpone his speech until this week.

Younger spoke before a crowd of students at UNT the day after advancing to a runoff in the Republican Primary for House District 63 and a week after the Texas Attorney General characterized gender reassignment surgeries and puberty blockers for the purpose of gender transition as “child abuse” in a formal opinion.

Video footage shared by independent journalist Andy Ngo reveals that Younger received an overwhelmingly negative reaction from liberal protesters in the audience.

The protesters, who expressed outrage at Younger’s opposition to the efforts to promote the gender transitioning of children, pounded on the table and clapped their hands as they chanted “F*** you, fascist.” One protester is seen putting up their middle finger.

Additional video footage shared by Ngo shows that the heckling of Younger continued throughout the speech, with some joining Younger at the front of the room. The whiteboard had the phrase “doesn’t pay child support” written on it in an attempt to take a dig at the concerned father, based on a premise he contended was inaccurate.

“This is what leftist politics looks like,” Younger remarked after a protester screamed in his face. Another protester set off a noisemaker.

As UNT President Neal Smatresk noted in a letter to the campus community Thursday, the protest against Younger was not limited to the classroom at Curry Hall where his lecture took place.

“A few hundred protestors gathered outside the building, holding signs and chanting,” he said.

Smatresk’s letter also mentioned that the nature of the lecture led to additional police presence.

“Because conversations surrounding the student organization’s event, which focused on criminalizing healthcare for transgender children, have been contentious, UNT Police created a plan to ensure their ability to maintain a safe environment for our campus community, the student organizers, their guest, and event protestors, requesting advance assistance from both Denton Police and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS).”

“Based on the event space capacity and for safety purposes, the room was limited to 80 attendees. A few hundred protestors gathered outside the building, holding signs and chanting,” he added. “The police agencies tasked with maintaining public safety were inside and outside the building. DPS officers were staged at a nearby location as an extra safety precaution.”

Police believe a “small group of protestors not affiliated with the university contributed to escalating the overall protest from peaceful to an aggressive encounter,” Smatresk stated. 

“These actions culminated with a group of protesters swarming police, who were working to safely escort both the guest speaker and student organizers off campus,” he explained. “DPS was called in to assist with maintaining safety.”

Ngo indicated that some in the “group of protestors not affiliated with the university” are “believed to be linked to the Dallas-Fort Worth #antifa cell,” adding that “Law enforcement had to evacuate the speaker & conservative student organizer.”

The student organizer, Kelly Neidert, detailed in a Twitter thread Thursday how concerns for her safety led to her requiring a police escort to depart from the event.

“Last night I was evacuated from an event hosted by [the Young Conservatives of Texas at the University of North Texas] on my college campus,” she recalled. “I received violent threats and constant harassment leading up to the event and was targeted by Antifa protesters. They separated me from my police escort and I ended up hiding in a janitor closet.”

In video footage posted by Neidert, multiple protesters yelled “F*** you, Kelly,” and one called her another highly inappropriate name. After hiding in the closet for a period of time, Neidert was rushed into a police car.

Neidert’s boyfriend, Alex Stein, posted a screenshot of what he purports are threatening Instagram messages she received expressing a desire to “beat you and your ugly boyfriend … up at the same time” and “tie you together and hang you off the side of a f***ing building.”

Additionally, the Instagram user discussed how he “can’t wait to see the videos come out of UNT of Kelly getting her a** beat,” predicting that people would “throw your ugly a** down the tallest flight of stairs they can find.”

Smatresk elaborated on the adverse treatment experienced by Neidert in his letter.

“A group of protestors surrounded the police vehicles containing both the student organizers and their guest and attempted to block their exit from the scene by banging on the vehicles and impeding their movement,” he stated. “The officers engaged emergency lights and sounded warning signs repeatedly while inching forward as other officers assisted in clearing a path for the vehicles to exit safely.”

The UNT President reported that “we have heard accounts of a protester who was reportedly injured during that time,” stressing that “we do not have confirmed details of that report.”

A liberal Twitter user, Denton Possum, implied that “Denton’s police apparently have no qualms about running over students” because “as soon as Kelly was settled in the car, the driver accelerated towards the crowd rapidly” and “a protestor was unable to back away fast enough, and was struck by the front of the vehicle.”

Smatresk praised UNT Police for working to “create and maintain an environment safe for all students to express themselves, regardless of topic,” but said that the “behavior by some individuals is not reflective of the UNT I know and love.”

Smatresk stated that the school has “always touted the importance of freedom of expression and been proud of our students’ ability to speak up for themselves and participate in nonviolent protest.”

The president’s letter did not sit well with liberal student activists, who will hold a protest Friday afternoon expressing opposition to the tone of his letter.

The “Walk Out Protest” is directed at Smatresk for “condoning hate speech and ignoring the voices of students.”

Younger details his family situation more on his campaign website, saying his ex-wife began to teach his son that he is a girl at the age of 2. He said a pediatrician plans to put his son on hormone drugs around the age of 9.

“I’ve spent over a million dollars in total economic costs trying to stop her, the courts, and the schools from transitioning my son to a girl,” the website explains. 

“My ex-wife now has authority from the State of Texas to cross-dress my nine-year-old son.”

Younger has issues with Coppell Independent School District calling his son by a girl’s name and allowing him to use the girl’s bathroom. He argued that they actively teach his son that he is a girl.

Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at:

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