Maria Baer


  • How the 'right to marry' became a 'right to children'

    How the 'right to marry' became a 'right to children'

    Once same-sex relationships are legally called marriage and technology is available to make children outside of a heterosexual union, those who have deliberately chosen a sterile same-sex relationship now claim the right to children or else, you know, discrimination. 

  • Married moms are the happiest, report says

    Married moms are the happiest, report says

    A cultural myth may tell women that they will only be happy if they put themselves first and eschew their potential to bear children, but that denies central aspects of their purpose as children of God and as women.

  • Keep the Church in school

    Keep the Church in school

    All Christians share the fundamental view that God has revealed Himself and wants to be known. Therefore, learning is a high calling of being human. 

  • The weight of too much 'choice'

    The weight of too much 'choice'

    That misconception is, in fact, a feature of life since modernism. For most of human history, humans held no illusions of being masters of their own fate.

  • The marijuana emergency

    The marijuana emergency

    Doctors and emergency rooms across the country have sounded the alarm on the spike in psychosis, suicidal ideation, actual suicide, schizophrenia, and addiction-like behavior they have seen among young people using high-potency marijuana. 

  • What abortion built

    What abortion built

    Crisis pregnancies and chronic absentee fatherhood are the fruit of these fictions, and women and children pay the price for these cultural fantasies.

  • Survey says: You can’t replace dad

    Survey says: You can’t replace dad

    Boys without a dad at home are also almost twice as likely to be “idle” in their late twenties, defined as neither working nor in school, and are significantly more likely to have been arrested or incarcerated by the time they turn 35. 

  • Chastity is part of marriage too

    Chastity is part of marriage too

    Wedding rings are not some “license to practice” in any and every way that comes into our minds. That’s reductionistic. Sex is allowed in marriage, but it is also still designed. 

  • Coach Kennedy: From the field to the Supreme Court

    Coach Kennedy: From the field to the Supreme Court

    All Christians need that kind of clarity. Too many have believed a sort of “inevitability” narrative about the restriction of religious freedom advanced by bureaucratic demands. In fact, religious freedom is affirmed by the Supreme Court more often than not.

  • What is radical monogamy?

    What is radical monogamy?

    Every once in a while, someone who doesn’t profess Christianity will stumble upon some sort of natural or moral law that Christians have professed for centuries.