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Trip Testimony - A Growing Experience

By Sports Outreach

Our team (Waymaker Church) visited the village of Pugwini, where myself, along with two other woman on my team, led a womens meeting. We addressed issues we knew the specific women in the village were having ( marital issues , substance abuse , self worth etc.). During the two days we led the meeting, I had the opportunity to pray for healing over 20+ woman. I had never done this before , and in these moments I felt God calling me to ask him to give me the gift of healing. As I prayed while we worshiped I felt the spirit of God come down and give me confidence to pray over the woman who asked. I believe through this trip my faith in the power of God has immensely increased and I am so thankful for the growing experience this was!

On our trip to our final slum, we had to hike up, what felt like an entire mountain, to get to the home we were visiting. Once we got to the top we were greeted by a woman and her teenage daughter ( who was a teen mom). My team and I introduced ourselves and as we talked , I had the opportunity to ask the mom and girl if they were Christians. The mother was, but the teen mom was not. I had brought my Evange-cube with me, so I pulled it out as it was the perfect opportunity to share the gospel message. I shared with her the gospel message and when I was done, asked if she would like to accept Jesus as her Savior. She agreed and I had the honor to lead her in the prayer of salvation. Whilst all this was going on, her neighbor across the road had come out of his hut to listen to us share (as well as about 10 members of the community). The man called our team over and asked one of our leaders if they would pray for his wife to be healed. We had not planned to visit any more families but this man has sought us out. My team went over to his house and shared the gospel with him and his wife (as they both did not know Jesus). They both reviewed Christ and my team prayed healing over the wide of the man. As well as this couple, 4 young men from the slum also asked to pray to receive Jesus after hearing the Gospel and seeing us pray over the others. It was truly a beautiful experience to be a part of!

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Our short term mission trips let you experience firsthand the transformative nature of our ministry programs. You’ll meet leaders and coaches, learn from them, and serve alongside them as they build into the lives of others and help lift burdens.

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Regardless, you’ll be changed. Your heart will break; you’ll see so much need and so much opportunity to make a difference; and you’ll know so much more about how to help when you get home.

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