
Stories in Morality


  • Investing in values: Support for biblically sound and pro-life films

    Investing in values: Support for biblically sound and pro-life films

    We pledged then, and still do, that not a penny will be invested in companies that facilitate or support abortion, pornography, anti-family cultural trends, or other practices that violate biblical values.

  • Finding intellectual fulfillment: Christian faith vs. atheism

    Finding intellectual fulfillment: Christian faith vs. atheism

    I am convinced that personally knowing God achieves intellectual fulfillment, whereas atheism is intellectually trapped.

  • Michael Voris, founder and president of Church Militant, resigns after breaking ‘morality clause’

    Michael Voris, founder and president of Church Militant, resigns after breaking ‘morality clause’

    Michael Voris, president and founder of Saint Michael's Media, which operates as a news website in Michigan under the officially registered name of Church Militant, has resigned for breaching the organization’s “morality clause.”

  • Evil is in the eye of the beholder

    Evil is in the eye of the beholder

    The current jaw-dropping atrocities being committed by Hamas have once again restarted the debate on evil and what it really is because, after all, “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter,” right? Actually, no.

  • As former prisoner, I feel sick about US handling of Iran

    As former prisoner, I feel sick about US handling of Iran

    Another young girl, Zahra Hatami, recently committed suicide after being expelled from school for the “crime” of wearing nail polish. She threw herself from the top of a building near her school, unable to cope with Iran’s gender apartheid. She was in 8th grade. The Biden administration did not execute these women, but has blood on its hands all the same, having enabled and emboldened the Iranian regime rather than resisting it.

  • A strange no-man’s-land of public morality

    A strange no-man’s-land of public morality

    While more Americans than ever reject religious answers to ontological questions like “What is a human being, and what dignities does she have as a result?” most still flinch at the intellectually honest materialist’s response: human rights and justice are all just figments of our collective imagination.  

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