Kimberly Chastain

Christian Working Mom


  • A Promise That Will Never Disappoint

    I'm asking for a show of hands in our CWM audience. How many of you have had someone promise you something and then not come through? My guess is if I could see through the computer screen all hands would be raised.

  • God's Recipe for Weary Moms

    My family is in a very busy season right now. We have soccer games, football games, and band competitions. I looked at my calendar and there are no white spaces

  • Does Life Balance Ever Really Happen?

    Recently, on one of the CWM surveys a CWM shared how she always feels she is not 100% efficient where she is at the moment. For instance, at work she is thinking about home and when at home she is thinking about work.

  • Do You Feel Inferior as a Mom?

    Do you find yourself comparing yourself to other Moms and coming up short? As much as we don\'t want to admit it I think we do. Often it happens when your children come home and share what another Mom does that you don\'t do.

  • How to Have a Family Devotion Time

    I love the quote I read in a bulletin once, \"Blessed is the family who begins family devotions again.\" I could relate to that comment.

  • God Chooses Different Paths for Every Mom

    A frequent comment I receive from CWMs is I really want to be a stay at home Mom, but we financially can\'t make it if I don\'t work.

  • Whose Voice are You Listening to?

    I\'m too fat, short, skinny, wrong hair color, you fill in the blank. God created us and he doesn\'t make junk.

  • Praying for Your Children

    Praying for Your Children

    I will admit I am not always faithful to pray for my children every day. I have found when I do pray for my children, I am more patient with them and I see them more as God sees them.