Samuel Rodriguez and Adam Milstein

Op-Ed Contributors


  • AT&T stadium and Promise Keepers: This is what the world needs right now

    AT&T stadium and Promise Keepers: This is what the world needs right now

    And what provoked the torrent of hate unleashed on Christians in this editorial? The audacity of Promise Keepers and Harrison for calling on men to come to AT&T Stadium to become better men, better husbands, better fathers, and better members of their churches and communities.

  • Keep up the good fight, mothers. The world needs you.

    Keep up the good fight, mothers. The world needs you.

    The blessing is for the mother who wakes up in the wee hours of the morning to feed her children and the blessing is for the mother who wakes up when that baby is now a teenager or an adult, interceding and weeping for her child.

  • Teaching our children to pray — the Micah 6:8 way

    Teaching our children to pray — the Micah 6:8 way

    This starts with prayer. How we teach our children and grandchildren to pray — not just telling them to pray but showing them how to pray — will have a mighty influence on the world they will inherit.

  • It’s dark outside, but the tomb is still empty

    It’s dark outside, but the tomb is still empty

    She ran not when things were pristine or perfect. She ran while things were still dark. It's what we do in the darkest hour that truly defines us.

  • This new year, let’s remember how to live healthy

    This new year, let’s remember how to live healthy

    As we begin a new year, many of us are cautiously hopeful as we anticipate a return to normalcy after the chaos of 2020. The problem is — we may have forgotten what normal, healthy life looks like.

  • COVID-19 will not cancel Christmas

    COVID-19 will not cancel Christmas

    Perhaps for the first time in many years, we will truly understand the meaning of Christmas: God coming to bring light and life to a world mired in darkness and death.

  • Leaving a spiritual legacy

    Leaving a spiritual legacy

    Fundamentally it’s a generational principle we see in Scripture, although with much more than financial profits at stake. God calls us to be good stewards of all we’re entrusted with for His purposes and not our own. The endgame for thrivers is to leave a righteous legacy for future generations.

  • From Survive to Thrive: Holy humility (book excerpt)

    From Survive to Thrive: Holy humility (book excerpt)

    Those of us committed to following Jesus always try to obey God and receive power from His Spirit, but when our usual routines and systems are turned inside out, many of us realize we are not trusting the Lord as completely as we could.

  • The way forward for America: Justice, kindness and humility

    The way forward for America: Justice, kindness and humility

    Our church in Sacramento, California, is an example of this heavenly community. We are 40% black, 40% white and 20% hispanic-Latino. O

  • The Gospel calls us to speak out against upcoming federal executions

    The Gospel calls us to speak out against upcoming federal executions

    As Christians, we need to take a long hard look at the way that the death penalty is functioning in our country.