Chuck Bentley

Chuck Bentley

CP Guest Contributor

Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.


  • Ask Chuck: How do I recession proof our finances?

    Ask Chuck: How do I recession proof our finances?

    If we’re headed towards an economic downturn, how can I recession proof our finances?

  • Ask Chuck: I am sick of high taxes!

    Ask Chuck: I am sick of high taxes!

    No, the Bible does not commend dishonesty nor endorse a bending of the rules to avoid taxes or for any other reason. Let’s take a look at what the Bible does say about stewardship of our funds.

  • Ask Chuck: Help! My wife is stressed out!

    Ask Chuck: Help! My wife is stressed out!

    In addition, unorganized people often suffer the emotional toll of stress, guilt, depression, anxiety, frustration, and embarrassment which eventually lead to relationship issues.

  • Ask Chuck: One or many credit cards?

    Ask Chuck: One or many credit cards?

    If you are a responsible spender, pay your bill in full each month, or maintain a very low balance, you should consider a second credit card — not many credit cards, just two!

  • Ask Chuck: Financial advice for lifelong singles

    Ask Chuck: Financial advice for lifelong singles

    Singles often miss the traditional milestones of buying a home, having children, and long-term financial planning. They must be extra cautious with their income and expenses while fully trusting God.

  • Ask Chuck: Rising costs of childcare

    Ask Chuck: Rising costs of childcare

    More than half of the families in America plan to spend more than $10,000 a year on childcare. This amounts to more than the average cost of in-state college tuition.

  • How do I gain financial freedom?

    How do I gain financial freedom?

    The reason I emphasize the importance of spending less than you earn is that regardless of your income, spending more than you earn will make you feel poor and keep you under constant financial stress.

  • Ask Chuck: Help reaching our financial goals together

    Ask Chuck: Help reaching our financial goals together

    My wife and I are not consistently managing our money well. We are united to eliminate debt so that we can give, save, and invest more. I am looking for tips for the two of us.

  • Ask Chuck: Is the American economy doomed?

    Ask Chuck: Is the American economy doomed?

    I’m concerned about our economy tanking. Larry Burkett wrote a lot about our national debt and out-of-control federal spending that would likely lead to hyperinflation. Where do you think our economy is headed?

  • How to budget for the dangers of inflation

    How to budget for the dangers of inflation

    We tried to live on a budget when we first got married but didn’t stick with it. Now that we have children and are feeling the pain of rising gasoline and groceries, etc, etc., we need to get disciplined with money! Can you help us?