Chuck Bentley

Chuck Bentley

CP Guest Contributor

Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.


  • Ask Chuck: Donating cryptocurrency?

    Ask Chuck: Donating cryptocurrency?

    We invested in some cryptocurrency a few years back. It has appreciated nicely. We want to give some to help the people of Ukraine. Do you have any tips for us?

  • Ask Chuck: Fasting for financial breakthrough

    Ask Chuck: Fasting for financial breakthrough

    While there are many practical steps you can take, like reducing your expenses by the overall inflation rate and seeking to adjust your investments to keep up with the impact of inflation, I want you to consider fasting.

  • Ask Chuck: Should I retire with a mortgage?

    Ask Chuck: Should I retire with a mortgage?

    Is it wrong to carry a mortgage in retirement? We are both preparing to retire but have 20 years left on our home mortgage.

  • Ask Chuck: Should we move South?

    Ask Chuck: Should we move South?

    Tennessee came up as the overall top destination according to their criteria, so they moved. But even more remarkable to me was that 12 other members of their extended family from California followed them!

  • Ask Chuck: Beware of bidding above asking price for a home

    Ask Chuck: Beware of bidding above asking price for a home

    We’re trying to buy a house, and our realtor suggests we sign an “Appraisal GAP” clause in our offer that is above the asking price. Should we do it?

  • Ask Chuck: Help me save on gasoline!

    Ask Chuck: Help me save on gasoline!

    I am being hit hard by the cost of gasoline. Haven’t you written about how to save money on this in the past?

  • Ask Chuck: Single and ready to buy a house

    Ask Chuck: Single and ready to buy a house

    I’m single and have saved enough money to buy a house and have a sizable emergency fund for any surprise repairs. Do you consider this a good time to enter the real estate market?

  • Ask Chuck: Help riding out inflation

    Ask Chuck: Help riding out inflation

    Inflationary prices are hitting our family, and I am getting worried. What can we do to ride this out?

  • Ask Chuck: What to do about a potty-mouthed boss?

    Ask Chuck: What to do about a potty-mouthed boss?

    My female boss frequently laces her comments with profanity in the office. While it is never directed at me personally, it makes me cringe when I hear it. I have lost respect for her leadership and want to change jobs. Should I approach her or quietly find another place to work?

  • Ask Chuck: Help me get our spending under control

    Ask Chuck: Help me get our spending under control

    We have to cut our spending this year, but I really don’t know where to begin. When I bring up the subject, my spouse always has an excuse. If we don’t get things under control, we are going to face eviction from our landlord.