Chuck Bentley
Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.
Ask Chuck: Climbing out of a financial dark hole
I am overwhelmed with financial challenges. I constantly feel defeated and discouraged to the point of giving up. I had no idea that financial challenges could lead to such despair. How do I climb out of this dark hole I am in?
Ask Chuck: My adult daughter is in debt and wants our help!
Our adult daughter is single and working in retail. She just revealed that she has credit card and after-pay debt issues. She has asked us for help. Should we bail her out?
Ask Chuck: Starting off new career on the right financial path
I am a recent college graduate embarking on a career in a new city. I am a believer desiring to pay off debt and use my income wisely. I have some old friends here but always spend too much money when we do things together. What realistic goals should I try to achieve?
Ask Chuck: Get prepared for layoffs
I work in the technology sector and am worried about getting laid off. Can you help me be prepared?
Ask Chuck: Vacation without debt
I would love to treat my family to a vacation, but we just can’t afford it unless we put it all on a credit card and pay it out over the coming months. Seems worth it to us. We need a break.
Ask Chuck: How can I ever afford a home?
I am 25, live in a hot housing market, and feel squeezed by rising rents. I can't see any way that I could ever buy a home! I need a plan and some hope.
Ask Chuck: The unexpected joy of being frugal
I work and live with those who buy whatever they want, whenever they want. I find myself constantly influenced to join their spending sprees! Can you give me any tips that I can implement to control my spending immediately?
Ask Chuck: The high cost of loneliness
I am a baby boomer with lots of friends and a healthy community at church, but I see loneliness as a major problem for so many of my friends, our kids, and our grandkids. How do you think this trend will impact the economy in the future?
Ask Chuck: Fed up with grocery prices
We have a budget, but the cost of groceries and eating out is ridiculous! Something has to change. What can we do? We are exceeding our food budget every single week.
Ask Chuck: Should I take out a home equity line of credit?
I would like to eliminate our high interest credit card debt. What are your thoughts on taking out a HELOC to pay it off?