Chuck Bentley

Chuck Bentley

CP Guest Contributor

Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.


  • Ask Chuck: Protection from online scams

    Ask Chuck: Protection from online scams

    My elderly parents enjoy staying connected to family via email, text and social media, but I’m concerned they will fall for a scam. My Dad recently said he is interested in a high-yield investment he read about on Facebook. Can you write something that I can give to them?

  • Ask Chuck: Comfortable but fragile with no savings

    Ask Chuck: Comfortable but fragile with no savings

    I know I need to save, but I just can’t. I make good money but find that I’m barely scraping by every month. My lifestyle is comfortable but fragile. What should I do, even though I don’t really want to change?

  • Ask Chuck: What is financial freedom?

    Ask Chuck: What is financial freedom?

    Can you explain what you mean by financial freedom? Are you using the term in place of the prosperity gospel?

  • Ask Chuck: How to prepare my teenagers for real life

    Ask Chuck: How to prepare my teenagers for real life

    I’m a single Mom. I struggle with money and time management. My children, now teenagers, don’t have basic financial skills. How can I get them ready for real life?

  • Ask Chuck: How to get people to prepare for more financial uncertainty

    Ask Chuck: How to get people to prepare for more financial uncertainty

    We have so many in our church who spend money without discernment and give no serious thought to their financial future. How can I communicate a need to be prepared without sounding like an alarmist?

  • Ask Chuck: How to have a frugal but beautiful wedding

    Ask Chuck: How to have a frugal but beautiful wedding

    A young man recently asked to marry my eldest daughter. I have three girls, so I know that the way we do this first wedding will likely set a precedent for the following ones. I am not a wealthy man, but I want my family to celebrate this occasion in a beautiful way. Do you have advice on how to save money on a beautiful wedding?

  • Ask Chuck: Helping Canadian friends hurt by inflation

    Ask Chuck: Helping Canadian friends hurt by inflation

    I have friends living in Canada. They say the cost of living is so high that many people feel like they cannot afford to live there anymore. Those who had savings are drawing down to make ends meet. What advice would you offer me that I can use to encourage them?

  • Ask Chuck: How do I help my rich family find happiness?

    Ask Chuck: How do I help my rich family find happiness?

    My brother and sister-in-law worked very hard to build a highly successful business. They know the Lord and have everything money can buy, but they are very unhappy people. How can I help them?

  • Ask Chuck: Help for crazy medical bills

    Ask Chuck: Help for crazy medical bills

    A friend from work is burdened with medical bills due to multiple emergency room visits with their young child. Their daughter is fine, but the bills have stressed them out. How can I help them?

  • Ask Chuck: Practical advice for the young and broke

    Ask Chuck: Practical advice for the young and broke

    My wife and I have decent jobs but spend everything we earn. My parents recently told us that we don’t spend money wisely. I was offended at first, but I am rethinking our habits. I heard you on the radio talking about this. What do you suggest we do to change our habits?