Samuel Sey

Samuel Sey

Op-ed contributor


  • I don’t want to be nuanced

    I don’t want to be nuanced

    Nuanced writing doesn’t offend anyone, but it doesn’t help anyone either. Nuanced writing isn’t the opposite of kind writing. I want to be a kind, but we can be candid and kind at the same time. Actually, kindness is always candid.

  • Why pastors are preaching on biblical sexuality today

    Why pastors are preaching on biblical sexuality today

    The Canadian government doesn’t love homosexual and transgender people more than God. They passed Bill C-4 because they have become priests of Satan. They hate homosexual and transgender people.

  • Shame on the Ontario government

    Shame on the Ontario government

    In some ways, we are just as responsible for the authoritarian and oppressive COVID policies. If we didn’t support or remain largely silent on these policies, our government would be too afraid of their political future to enforce them. So shame on the government, and shame on us for continuing to allow them to do this.

  • Why I hate forced diversity

    Why I hate forced diversity

    I hate that almost every TV show today forces diversity — especially since what Hollywood labels as “diversity” is actually the opposite of diversity. If every TV show looks the same, is that real diversity?

  • 2022, yet the same yesterday, today and forever

    2022, yet the same yesterday, today and forever

    Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Who he was in 2020 is who he is in 2021, and who he is in 2021 is who he’ll be in 2022.

  • Why I got the vaccine after I had COVID

    Why I got the vaccine after I had COVID

    I made my decision. And it’s bittersweet. But truly, it’s much more sweet than bitter. After all, Lord willing, I’m a few weeks away from holding my soon-to-be bride in Ohio. I don’t regret that.

  • The first people to deconstruct their faith

    The first people to deconstruct their faith

    Adam and Eve deconstructed their faith, and it resulted in disaster. If you deconstruct your faith, it will result in disaster for you, too. So do not deconstruct your faith. Instead, ask God to decrease your doubts and increase your faith.

  • Canada’s conversion therapy ban

    Canada’s conversion therapy ban

    Please pray for Christians in Canada. Please pray for Canadian pastors and Biblical counsellors. And please pray for Canada.

  • When I nearly died from malaria

    When I nearly died from malaria

    By the grace of God, I survived malaria. And I’m grateful I’m surviving COVID too.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse and white privilege

    Kyle Rittenhouse and white privilege

    Leftists do not want to end privilege, they want to end America’s founding principles. Many of them know Kyle Rittenhouse isn’t benefiting from white privilege. They know he’s actually benefitting from America’s impartial system, just as the founding fathers intended for all Americans — and they hate it.