Samuel Sey

Samuel Sey

Op-ed contributor


  • Pray for us in Ohio facing Issue 1 on the ballot

    Pray for us in Ohio facing Issue 1 on the ballot

    If you really believe it shouldn’t be legal for anyone to kill their child — if you really believe it’s never okay to kill a baby, then vote “no” on ISSUE 1.

  • Good news for bad times

    Good news for bad times

    So if you hate Jews, you hate Jesus.  In the same way, if you hate Palestinians, you hate their creator. Palestinians are made in the image of God, so if you hate them — you hate God.

  • Stop blaming the Jews

    Stop blaming the Jews

    Stop repeating Hamas’ propaganda. Stop using the oppressor vs. the oppressed dynamic on Israel’s conflict with Palestine (postcolonial theory). Stop blaming the Jews.

  • The forgotten white people

    The forgotten white people

    White privilege is a myth. It doesn’t exist. It especially doesn’t exist in a small town near where I live in central Ohio, a small town called La Rue.

  • Why I am not a Christian nationalist

    Why I am not a Christian nationalist

    We were all unfamiliar with the term “Christian nationalism” until a couple of years ago. However, some people are demanding that we should agree it's ideology.

  • Trump, abortion and the pro-life movement

    Trump, abortion and the pro-life movement

    Donald Trump’s biggest enemy isn’t the Democrats, the media, or the deep state. Donald Trump’s biggest enemy is Donald Trump.

  • The New York Times endorses black nationalism

    The New York Times endorses black nationalism

    The New York Times article is promoting black nationalism. That is the inevitable outcome of racial identity politics: racial nationalism. 

  • Why some Evangelicals are embracing racism

    Why some Evangelicals are embracing racism

    Sin is sin, on the right or the left. Kinism is just as evil as critical race theory.

  • The coming persecution is upon us

    The coming persecution is upon us

    Don’t be surprised if one day you are on trial for quoting the Bible on social media.

  • Why I’m afraid of being a father

    Why I’m afraid of being a father

    In the same way, if a man doesn’t want to be a father, he shouldn’t be a husband. Ladies, stay away from him.