
'Destiny 2' PC Beta: Bungie Details Tweaks and Fixes Based on Console Beta Feedback

Bungie has detailed the changes to expect in the "Destiny 2" PC beta brought about by the results of the recently concluded beta test done on the consoles.

In their latest blog post, it was revealed that one of the tweaks in the PC beta was done in the Crucible. It involves the separate tuning for the matchmaking in Quickplay and Competitive.

This, as per Crucible design lead Lars Bakken, was done in the spirit of offering "more varied experiences between the playlists" for "Destiny 2" players.

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The changes in Quickplay include shorter matchmaking times and taking a step back from Skill. Winning score in Control was extended to 100 for lengthened play time and to give gamers opportunities to use their abilities.

Because too many matches were shorter than we expected (some Guardians weren't even able charge their Super) we've extended the trigger for the Mercy rule so it will come into play less often.

Bringing together players in the same or comparable skill level in the Competitive matchmaking in the "Destiny 2" PC beta will now take longer — a change Bungie believes to be worth the wait especially for "the quality of gameplay experience" it will offer.

We have also made improvements to the way we calculate your skill in Countdown to better reflect how you'll perform against your opponents.

Bungie noted that they will always make use of an element of the player's skill including the average rating of a team to find the best match, may it be in a pre-made Fireteam or a solo mission.

On the other hand, Sandbox designer Josh Hamrick explained the fixes and changes they did based on the feedback from the "Destiny 2" console beta.

The glitches on the Infinite Super, Infinite Grenades and Warlock Glide, which was too awesome to almost be allowed to stay, have all been dealt with.

Hamrick's team also leveled the playing field in "Destiny 2" by endowing the Warlocks with the same Melee Range as other classes.

As for the tweaks, the "Destiny 2" PC beta will be quicker in charging the Super while the grenades in PvE now "feel as powerful as they should," thanks to their increased damage. Their longer cooldown is made "more palatable" as well.

We want abilities to be slightly more rare, but worth it. In the console Beta, the "worth it" part wasn't quite there yet.

The same goes for the Power Ammo, which, will be offered in greater quantities in the PC beta during PvE in addition to players being able to directly farm them from all Yellow Bar Combatants.

"Destiny 2" will be released on Sept. 6. The PC beta takes pace Aug. 28.

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