Penny Nance and Chelsen Vicari

CP OP-Ed Contributors


  • What Are Young Christian Women Reading?

    What Are Young Christian Women Reading?

    There's nothing more tiresome than content creators who believe Christian women are only willing to click on articles promising to improve their self-images or offer self-deprecating devotions.

  • 10 Things Evangelicals Can Be Thankful for in 2016

    10 Things Evangelicals Can Be Thankful for in 2016

    It's a favorite tradition of mine each year to compile a list of ten occurrences we Evangelicals can be grateful for during the Thanksgiving holiday.

  • Millennials Leaving Christianity, but There's Hope in the Gloomy Numbers

    Millennials Leaving Christianity, but There's Hope in the Gloomy Numbers

    We are witnessing the rise of a new kind of religious orientation. The nones.

  • How California's 'Nondiscrimination' Bill Threatens Christian Colleges, Religious Freedom

    How California's 'Nondiscrimination' Bill Threatens Christian Colleges, Religious Freedom

    It seems hard to envision a state punishing a Christian school for upholding traditional Christian teachings. Even so, that's exactly what could happen if SB 1146 is passed.

  • When Picking a President, Does Character Still Count to Evangelicals?

    When Picking a President, Does Character Still Count to Evangelicals?

    Headlines across the nation herald presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's Tuesday meeting with over 1,000 major Evangelical leaders and the launch of his Evangelical Executive Advisory Board which includes James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Jr., and David Jeremiah.

  • Dreaded Church Search: Seeker Friendly (Pt. 2)

    Dreaded Church Search: Seeker Friendly (Pt. 2)

    Last Sunday, we visited the evangelical non-denominational church on the hill near the interstate. We suddenly found ourselves seated in a seeker-friendly church.

  • Dreaded Church Search: What to Look For? (Pt. 1)

    Dreaded Church Search: What to Look For? (Pt. 1)

    Thomas Edison once said, "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." One could say the same about searching for a new church home.

  • Can Google Silence the Church?

    Can Google Silence the Church?

    Whether we're talking about the redefinition of marriage or taxpayer funded abortion and contraception, one question is crossing many Christians' minds: where will the next challenge to religious liberty arise?

  • Gay Marriage and the 'Friend Zone'

    Gay Marriage and the 'Friend Zone'

    Now that same-sex marriage is being treated as the law of the land, Christians find themselves in precarious friendship scenarios — and I'm not just talking about deciding whether or not to attend a gay friend's wedding reception. The challenges are costly.

  • Stop Trying to 'Attract' Youth; Go to Them

    Stop Trying to 'Attract' Youth; Go to Them

    Off the top of your head, who can you say ignites crusades in America where 90 percent of the attendees are under 18 and have never been saved by Jesus Christ? I struggled to answer this question too when it was posed to me recently by a 24 year-old Hispanic pastor named Brian Barcelona. Barcelona knew the answer. Actually, Brian Barcelona is the answer.