Matt Brown
Op-Ed Contributor
This is the first generation with an online megaphone for truth and love
Every Christian who is, by default, a representative of Jesus to the watching world, either for good or bad, has a megaphone through their social media accounts.
We are representatives of God to the world around us
Christians have always been at odds with the culture around them, and the first Christians were no exception.
We need truth more than ever
In our world, it is easier than ever to make divisive, critical, and blanket statements about others.
The love the world needs to see
My grandmother-in-law used to tell my wife that we all have a “love bank.” When someone loves us well, it deposits coins in our love bank. If someone picks on us at school and our love bank is full, it won’t affect us.
The Hundred Year Influence of Henrietta Mears
I've begun to see so clearly that God is not looking for people of great talent, wealth or notoriety, but simply for ordinary people full of faith and the Holy Spirit.
The World Needs More People Like Billy Graham
May God raise up 1,000 more people in Billy Graham's place.
Will This Film's True Story Inspire Every Church to Make a Difference?
Who would've known their book Same Kind of Different as Me would sit on the New York Times bestseller list for 3 straight years? What single thing could take this story and spread it to so many people ... and change so many hearts?
4 Reasons You Should See 'The Case For Christ' Movie
This is an exciting weekend. It is the opening weekend of The Case for Christ, a faith film releasing in over 1,100 theaters nationwide on April 7.