Anne Graham Lotz: Some Christians Are Too Afraid, Too Ashamed to Turn to God

Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of famous evangelist Billy Graham, says some Christians are too afraid and ashamed to turn to God because of the mistakes they have made, but reminds believers God has proven His forgiveness and His love through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
"Are you hiding from God? Have you stopped praying and reading your Bible? Are you, in your heart and mind, closed to Him?" Lotz asked in a devotional on Monday.
"Deep down you're afraid of being found out. And the last thing you want to hear or read is His Word? Because you, too, are ashamed," she added.
She argued, however, that God is righteous and just, but also loving, merciful, and compassionate.
"Satan, in his plan to defeat the purpose of God, failed to take into account the very character of God. It never occurred to Satan that the Creator of the universe would lay down His own life in atonement for man's sin. But that's exactly what happened," she explained.
Lotz noted that God offers forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration, made possible through Jesus.
She also shares numerous devotionals on her website and her Facebook page throughout the week, but issues stern warnings, such as a message last week that argued God might be purposefully hiding Himself from America in preparation for a coming judgment.
"Our nation is in a mess. Why? Could it be because America is losing God's blessing? His favor. Could our sin be provoking His judgment? Judgment that is not necessarily in the form of a nuclear dirty bomb, or another ISIS attack, or an economic collapse. But a Romans 1 judgment as God backs out of our national life and turns us over to ourselves," Lotz wrote last Wednesday.
The evangelist warned that much like the nation of Judah in the Old Testament that was punished for choosing immorality and idolatry, America might very well face the same destiny.
"God warns a nation that judgment is coming. He doesn't want any to perish. But if a nation does not heed His warnings, He unleashes His anger and there is nothing — no one — who can prevent it. If God would judge His own beloved nation of Judah, why would we think America could escape?" Lotz asked, offering that the solution will not be found in in politics or the economy or the military or technology, but in sincere prayer directly to God.
Billy Graham's daughter added: "I am led to ask myself … how truly serious am I about seeking God on behalf of our nation? When was the last time I fasted and wept and mourned and confessed the sin of our nation as though it were my own? I believe the future of America hangs on the answer to that question."