Disney Introduces Its First 'Boy Princess' on Show That Also Featured First Gay Kisses

The Disney XD channel has introduced the company's first male princess on the same show that previously drew controversy for featuring the first same-sex kisses.
EW.com reported that a recent episode of "Star vs. The Forces of Evil" featured the character of Marco Diaz disguising himself as a princess named Turdina, in what LGBT-friendly outlets called a bold statement.
"Marco is about to reveal his truth to the students when Ms. Heinous storms in and outs him herself, pulling down his shirt to reveal a strand of chest hair. But the other princesses stand by Marco's side," EW.com detailed.
"That doesn't prove anything. Princesses can be hairy," one princess shouts.
"Why does it matter if he's a boy? Nothing he said was wrong," another exclaims.
Others state "Turdina is a state of mind" and "He can be a princess if he wants to!"
Huffington Post's Queer Voices section called it a "beautiful moment and one that could be incredibly influential for kids who are soaking up social cues about what it means to be a boy or a girl ― or any gender in between ― and what supposedly is or isn't possible because of how they identify."
In February, the same Disney XD show featured a scene with same-sex couples kissing.
Conservative groups, such as the American Family Association, have warned that Disney's portrayal of gay characters is dangerous and could have "grave and eternal consequences."
"It is not Disney's place to assume the role of parents deciding when to confront children with alternative lifestyles. I'm not saying that it's wrong for children to know that gays and lesbians exist, only that parents should be the ones to tell them. Disney should not circumvent parents on this matter," said Ed Vitagliano, AFA executive vice president.
"It has grave — and perhaps eternal — consequences."
The Disney Channel recently also featured it's first ever gay storyline on kids' series "Andi Mack," concerning the "self discovery" path of a 13-year-old character who realizes he is gay and comes out to his friends.
Show creator Terri Minsky explained that his aim for the program is to be "appropriate for all audiences" and to send a "powerful message about inclusion and respect for humanity."
The "Andi Mack" storyline has caused controversy, however, with the series being banned in Kenya.
The predominantly Christian country explained that it opposes "any attempt to introduce gay programming," with Ezekial Mutua, chief executive of Kenya Film Classification Board, declaring that "homosexuality goes against the collective and values of the people of Kenya."
U.S. evangelist Franklin Graham also warned parents about the Disney Channel.
"Disney used to be the brand that parents could trust. They were kind of like the 'gold seal' of family programming. But those days are long gone," Graham wrote on Facebook.
"Disney is in the LGBTQ camp, and they're wanting to use so-called family-friendly programs to influence the youth of today to accept and to be a part of the destructive LGBT lifestyle."