Elevation Church Makes Fortune's 2017 National List of 100 Best Places to Work for Millennials

Featuring perks such as subsidized on-site child care and 100 percent company-paid health coverage, the multi-campus Steven Furtick-led Elevation Church in North Carolina has made Fortune magazine's list of 100 best places to work for millennials in 2017 and they are hiring.
The United States Census Bureau describes millennials as America's youth born between 1982 and 2000. With 83.1 million millennials nationwide, the generation represents more than one quarter of the population. They are more than the 75.4 million baby boomers and are also more diverse than the generations that preceded them, with 44.2 percent being part of a minority race or ethnic group.
According to Fortune, Elevation Church, which was previously ranked in 2015, made their list after they surveyed more than 398,000 U.S. employees from Great Place to Work-Certified companies.
The companies were then ranked by how positively they were rated by millennials on 50 different metrics including competence of managers and how much they liked their colleagues. The companies were also ranked on diversity and how millennials stacked up against other generations.
At the end of that process, Elevation Church was ranked 91 on the list of 100 companies for 2017 and was the only church on the list.
"This is a very fast-paced, but fun environment. It's honestly the kind of place where if you try to put just one foot in, and be half-hearted about your job, you're going to get left behind very quickly. But if you jump in, it's the best place ever," one survey taker from the church reported, according to Fortune.
"Families are welcomed and prioritized every step of the way — from on-site preschooling, to spouses being able to sit in on all-staff meetings, to quarterly family-centric staff parties. I think what separates Elevation as a great place to work is the understanding that culture and commitment to family are essential to succeeding in the work place," the survey taker said.
"My family has felt very supported through some tough seasons, and we've found the kind of support system here that is hard to find anywhere, much less in the workplace. When you have that, it would take something earth-shattering to get us to move to another place to work," the comment ended.
The growing church, which already employs more than 200 people, plans on hiring 40 new staff members in the coming year.
Elevation Church Staff members get 20 days paid time off after just one year of full-time employment along with 12 paid sick days.
Along with their subsidized gym that comes as a part of their health and wellness program, Elevation church also provides other onsite services.
"Elevation Church's on-site services include, haircuts by professional stylists, car detailing, alterations, discounted movie tickets, oil changes, and financial planning services. All services are scheduled through our office assistant and billed as a payroll deduction," the 11-year-old church said, according to fortune.
Employees also compete in recreational sports at a park near the church's headquarter office.
"I've been here less than a year but I would say my whole experience has been unique and unusual. Every morning I get to wake up and come to a place where I can collaborate with a diverse group of people to accomplish one common goal. People care about my career and about seeing me develop into a healthy individual mentally, physically, and spiritually. We are given practical opportunities to grow, whether it's leadership training, fitness challenges, on-site chiropractic care, healthy vending machines, Christian mentorship, etc. Elevation Church isn't your normal 9 to 5, we are a family passionate about our calling," one recent employee said of the church.