High School Student Blasts Teen Vogue for 'Disgusting' Article on Post-Abortion Gift Ideas

A pro-life 16-year-old student, described by Students for Life as Planned Parenthood's "worst nightmare," expressed her absolute "disgust" at a recent Teen Vogue article for treating the issue of abortion lightheartedly as it suggested comedy movies and "GRL PWR" hats to help teens get over their post-abortion troubles.
The Teen Vogue article, titled "What to Get a Friend Post-Abortion," features a slideshow with suggestions such as getting together to watch the comedy "All I Wanna Do," or buying your friend "period panties," an "angry uterus" heating pad or a "GRL PWR" hat to deal with the post-abortion physical discomforts and emotional woes.
"She shouldn't have to feel ashamed, because she made the right choice for her situation. She is not ready to carry a pregnancy to term — and that's OK," the article argues. "She will need a ride, she will need a hug, and she will need you — not because the act itself is so terrible, but because sometimes the world can be."
Students for Life, a pro-life advocacy group, posted a video response from Autumn who chastised Teen Vogue for treating abortion in a "light-hearted and nonchalant" way in order to convince girls her age that "abortion is no big deal."
Autumn insisted, however, that it very much is a big deal, and called the experience both "terrifying and scary."
"Teen Vogue, you should be held accountable for this disgusting and disrespectful article," the high school student stated. "You trivialize an issue that leaves millions of women struggling every day. Such a blasé approach hurts women who regret their abortions. It minimizes their pain."
Autumn dismissed the ideas offered by the magazine that would supposedly help "lift her spirits" or "put a smile on her face" after her abortion.
"Let's look what this is saying," Autumn said of the funny movie suggestion. "'We understand that you've had a rough day so here's a funny movie to get your mind off of it.' You know when this would be appropriate? After your friend got their wisdom teeth taken out, not after they've had an abortion. How offensive to think a comedy would be a good antidote for the pain your friend might be feeling."
Autumn was particularly disgusted at the language used in the magazine's second gift idea — period panties.
"These revolutionary panties allow you to free-bleed like our fore-mothers wished they could. Technically they are made for your period, but that's no reason not to rock em for post-abortion woes, especially because there will be blood," the article states.
"Do I even need to explain why this is so deplorable?" Autumn asked. "The language and flippant tone is appalling! Who would even consider 'rocking' underwear after experiencing an abortion? Yes, there will be blood because that's what happens after a pregnancy ends and it's traumatizing. And cool underwear won't fix it or make it all better."
Further lambasting the "GRL PWR" hat gift idea, Autumn posed, "Is this really the time for that?"
"I just ended my baby's life. Girl power! Are they insinuating that girls that celebrate their abortions understand girl power more than girls who regret them or refuse to have them? And by the way, how many aborted babies have been girls? What about their rights? When do girls begin to have power? And how powerful do you have to be to destroy the most helpless of people? To me, abortion seems like the opposite of girl power. It is the most invasive and degrading thing that could happen to a girl.
"This is a human rights issue, not a girl power movement."
The pro-life student activist said that articles like the one from Teen Vogue contribute to the acceptance of abortion by some sections of society.
"No wonder our culture has become so desensitized at the idea of taking the life of a baby," she lamented.
Autumn insisted that teens who have had an abortion need a friend to talk to, to pray for them, and to take their pain seriously.
"I want them to know that there are organizations out there that will help them where they are at," she stressed.
Students for Life praised Autumn's response, and said that Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortions provider, should be "terrified" of the pro-life generation.
The group described the young pro-life generation as "a generation that cares deeply about human rights and equality of all people, which extends to the preborn. A generation that has successfully incorporated the mission to help women facing unplanned pregnancies into the mainstream pro-life movement through the Pregnant on Campus Initiative. A generation that is truly fearless in the face of Planned Parenthood and their allies."