How to Change Hollywood's Toxic Obsession with Sex

By all reports, the number of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in the United States has continued to rise since the 1960s. The surge began in the late 1950s, when traditional beliefs about God, family and society began to crumble. However, as recently reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the CDC), STDs surged to a record high in 2016, with more than two million cases of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.
The CDC report, released Sept. 26, said this was "the highest number ever."
Of course, this terrible news is clearly the result of the so-called "Sexual Revolution," which began in the 1950s with the publication of Playboy and the mass distribution of the birth control pill, and which reached fruition in the 1960s and 1970s with the advent of the drug culture.
At the same time, attacks on biblical truth and the traditional biological family of father, mother and child also increased. Eventually, the United States Supreme Court, in a decision that was cultivated for decades by the High Court, removed the Bible and prayer from government schools in 1962.
Within three years, Pres. Lyndon Johnson introduced the "Great Society," which greatly increased the power of state and federal governments and greatly increased the Social Welfare State. Within four years, Christian churches withdrew their offices from Hollywood. Within six years, Hollywood instituted a new ratings system which promoted explicit sex and graphic violence in the movie industry. Within 11 years, the Supreme Court ruled that abortion could no longer be made illegal. Finally, Hollywood began increasingly to promote not only homosexual immorality in its movies but also the destruction of the proven scientific fact that the human race is made up of two sexes, male and female, and that, while the two sexes share some things in common, men and women are different.
The new STD figures released by the CDC, however, prove that the Sexual Revolution (which led to Johnson's godless Social Welfare State) has been a total failure. Not only has it dramatically increased these awful diseases, it has also led to a breakdown of the family itself. As a consequence, America's cities are overrun with violent fatherless boys who too often grow up to be murderous, promiscuous gang members who kill thousands of people only to beget more violent fatherless boys who grow up to be murderous, promiscuous gang members.
At the same time, society has become overrun with hedonistic, empty-headed do-gooders, who lecture everyone else on what to say, what to wear and what to do, using the media, schools, universities, and fascist bureaucrats and judges to enforce their petty, godless rules and regulations and humiliate anyone who disagrees with their New World Order.
There's an answer to this sad state of affairs, however. The answer is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who died but rose from the dead to deliver us from these sins and to enlighten everyone with God's Holy Truth, which Jesus Himself eternally embodies.
To promote this Gospel, and use it to redeem the values of the entertainment industry in Hollywood and elsewhere, and thereby transform society, I (with the help of others and by the Grace of God) founded Good News Communications, also known as Movieguide® ( and the Christian Film & Television Commission®.
Over the 40 years of their existence, I have published many books, the latest of which will be a little monograph titled "Reel to Real: 45 Movie Devotions for Families" that will be published by BroadStreet in February 2018. The book consists of 45 daily devotions centered on one or two movies, linked to a specific biblical teaching, that will help families live a more abundant Christian life.
Reading the book and seeing these movies while studying the biblical teachings presented is intended to help families participate in our mission to redeem the values of the mass media of entertainment according to biblical principles.
If interested, please consider pre-ordering "Reel to Real" at one of the major book outlets online.
We also welcome your prayers and support for Hopefully, the articles and reviews on the website will be a blessing to all families.