Ken Ham Rebukes Abortion Doctor for Using Famed Bible Parable to Support 'Murder'

Answers in Genesis CEO and President Ken Ham spoke out against an abortion doctor who said that his Christian faith allows him to be non-judgmental of people and therefore participate in abortions, with Ham arguing that the "right" to abortion is more about man's sinful nature.
"Abortion is not health care. Abortion is murder. Calling it 'health care' or some other sugarcoated term doesn't change what abortion really is—the taking of an innocent life. And by God's standard of course, murder is sinful and utterly wrong," Ham wrote on his AiG blog.
He shared with his supporters the story of an abortion doctor from Chicago, who identifies as a Christian and sees abortion as health care.
Dr. Willie Parker has explained his decision to carry out abortions despite his faith by stating that "for me, my Christianity leads me to a place of non-judgment," according to MassLive.
The abortionist revealed that he was once against the practice, but was inspired by a sermon from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the biblical story of the Good Samaritan, which changed his mind.
Parker said that what he understood from the sermon and the parable is that the Samaritan acted out of concern for the injured man, not out of concern for what might happen to himself if he stopped to help.
"I respect my colleagues," he said about other doctors who refuse to perform abortions. "I can respect their decisions if they come from the deepest part of their conscious."
Parker wrote more about his position in a New York Times article from November, insisting that doctors must respond to the needs of their patients.
"It is the deepest level of love that you can have for another person, that you can have compassion for their suffering and you can act to relieve it," he said.
In his blog, Ham suggested, however, that Parker is misunderstanding what the Good Samaritan parable teaches.
"His [Jesus] point was that we're to love our neighbor as ourselves and that our 'neighbor' isn't restricted to those living near us or belonging to our same cultural or ethnic group (Luke 10:25–37). Nothing in this parable whatsoever can be used to justify murder," wrote Ham, who is also the president of the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
"What Parker's doing is ignoring that abortion is murder and saying that he's just helping women, like a 'good Samaritan.' But is helping women commit a sinful act that goes completely against God's Word really helping them? No."
The Creationist also spoke out against abortion rights, suggesting that women should not have the right to choose when to end the life of their unborn children.
"Life is a gift of God (Acts 17:25), and we don't have the right to decide when or if we will destroy an innocent life. This so-called 'right' is nothing more than the outcome of our sin nature selfishly wanting what we want, ignoring the consequences for others (in this case, the unborn babies who will lose their lives)," he argued.