Liberty University professor charged with attempted murder of wife

Michael Hiskey, Liberty University's senior director of academic planning and operations who also serves as a business professor at the popular evangelical Christian University in Lynchburg, Virginia, remained in jail Wednesday on charges of attempted murder, abduction and kidnapping as well as assault and battery of his wife.
Court records cited by The News & Advance said Hiskey, 27, was booked into the Blue Ridge Regional Jail on Nov. 4 stemming from an incident the same day. He was denied bond in Lynchburg Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court last week but at a court hearing Tuesday, he was granted a $50,000 bond on condition that he stay out of Virginia except for court appearances.
In addition to staying out of Virginia, Judge Ed Burnette, also required that Hiskey wear a GPS monitoring system and receive mental health treatment.
An official at the Blue Ridge Regional Jail confirmed with The Christian Post Wednesday morning that Hiskey was still locked up and if no one posts his bail, he is likely to remain in custody until Feb. 4, when he is set to appear in court again.
Neither officials at the Lynchburg Police Department or Liberty University responded immediately to questions from CP about Hiskey on Wednesday.
Police told WSET however that Hiskey was involved in a domestic violence strangling incident and his victim appeared to be physically okay.
Liberty University also said in a statement that Hiskey had been suspended from his duties.
"As of November 5, 2018 Michael Hiskey was suspended from his position as Academic Operations Analyst pending the outcome of this matter," the statement from the university said.
According to Hiskey's LinkedIn profile, in 2009, he started Everybody's Joe Somebody, a non-profit that helped lonely people.
"I have a story. You have a story. Everybody has a story. Have you ever heard of 'Joe schmo' or 'Joe nobody?' There is no such thing. Everybody has a 'Joe Somebody' and everybody is a 'Joe Somebody,'" the project notes on Facebook. "Everybody's story deserves to be heard, and when you don't feel like there is someone there to listen, there is."
The Bay Area Community Church where Hiskey says he worked as a youth leader for three years in Annapolis, Maryland, could not immediately confirm his time at the church on Wednesday.