Tim Tebow's 'Shaken': Top 5 Shocking Revelations in New Book

In the first chapter of Tim Tebow's upcoming book, Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life's Storms, the athlete reveals the raw emotions that have been buried behind his trademark smile for years.
The 29-year-old NFL quarterback-turned-professional baseball player has released a sneak peek of his book which includes the introduction and first chapter ahead of its release on Oct. 25. The book is not a memoir, but a personal account of some of the challenging moments in Tebow's career and how he overcame them with his faith in God.
Tebow fans and naysayers alike will be shocked to discover some of the revelations that are shared in just the first 30 pages of his newest book. The Christian Post has compiled a list of five of the most shocking revelations below:

1. Tim Tebow reveals utter shock after being cut from New England Patriots
In 2013, Tebow didn't make it past the preseason to play for the New England Patriots. Before his former Denver Broncos coach Joshua McDaniels — who later became the offensive coordinator for the Pats — sat down with him and head Coach Bill Belichick to let him know that he didn't make the cut, the team's owner made him think otherwise.
"Sometime earlier, Robert Kraft, the owner of the Patriots and a man I respect and really like, had told me he was looking forward to seeing me at his get-together the next day," an excerpt from Tebow's book reads. "He was hosting a barbecue for the team and the staff at his home. Thinking about his words, I felt like it was a good sign."
Tebow, however, was subsequently cut from the team. He describes that moment as a "sucker punch."
"I didn't see it coming," he said.

2. Tim Tebow passed up a $1 million endorsement deal to impress Bill Belichick
The former Heisman Trophy winner has a knack for attracting media attention and corporate sponsors that are interested in endorsing him. Around the time he expressed interest in being a part of the Patriots team, one company offered him $1 million for one day's worth of work by appearing in a commercial.
"I remembered when I had signed with the team in June. Then I'd had an offer on the table to make a one-day appearance endorsing a product for a million dollar paycheck," Tebow reveals in the book. "I'm sure you'd agree that a million bucks is a lot to make in just twenty-four hours. But I wasn't quick to say yes."
It is widely known that Belichick is not a fan of the media circus that takes place off of the football field and advised Tebow to pass up on the opportunity.
"He thought for a moment and then shook his head. 'Timmy, I would really appreciate it if you didn't,'" Tebow recalled the coach saying. "Highly respecting the man, I turned down the deal. I didn't even think twice about it."
While some may question why, Tebow believed he had a chance to live his NFL quarterback dream with one of the most respected coaches in the game. However, he later came very close to regretting his decision after Belichick cut him with little explanation.
"I thought of the endorsement deal I had turned down two months earlier, questioning and maybe even regretting my decision," Tebow said. "Was it the wrong choice? If I had said yes, would that have put me in a better situation than where I am right now — sitting in front of two coaches who are firing me without telling me exactly why?"

3. Tebow felt betrayed after the Denver Broncos traded him to the New York Jets
After being drafted by the Broncos in 2010, Tebow became a starting quarterback who led the Broncos to a playoff run in 2012. Later that year, he was traded to the New York Jets before things got rocky and he bounced from preseason teams like the New England Patriots in 2013, followed by the Philadelphia Eagles in 2015.
However, being traded by the Broncos seemed to hurt Tebow the most.
"In the spring of 2012, I was traded from the Broncos to the New York Jets, a move that felt like a betrayal of sorts," he said. "A year later, the Jets let me go. This was a pattern I did not like."

4. Tim questioned God's Plan after Patriots cut him
Although Tebow has been a major voice for Christian athletes, even he questioned God's plans after the pain of being cut first hit him.
"I shifted my thoughts toward God, the One I believed had led me to New England. I thought this was going somewhere special," he recalled telling God. "I thought this was a plan You designed for me. If that was true, then why, God, why is this thing crashing and burning?"
But Tebow soon realized that God was still with him.
"I knew God hadn't left me. I knew He still had a plan for my life," he said. "I knew He still had a purpose. And though my foundation in Him was solid, much of what rested on top of that was shaken."

5. Tebow refused offers from NFL teams that wanted him to play other positions
After he was cut by the Patriots, offers poured in for Tebow to play for other teams. The only problem was, none of them were interested in him as a quarterback.
"'Timmy, a bunch of teams are calling and hoping you'll play for them,'" Tebow recalled his agent telling him. "So this one wants you to play tight end. That one wants you as an HB ..."
Although Tebow acknowledged there were some "really big selling points," he had no passion for those offers and insists his decision wasn't made out of arrogance.
"I wanted to continue to fight for what I was passionate about, for what I believed in. Since I was 6 years old, I didn't just want to play football; I wanted to be a quarterback," he said. "I didn't want to be in the NFL for the sake of being in it, or to make a lot of money, or to get famous. I wanted to pursue my passion of playing as a quarterback."
For more information about Tebow's book that will be released on Oct. 25 or to read the first chapter, click here.